מיקס קליפים [2021] - עם כתוביות באנגלית
The Almighty causes overwhelming pain
but he also nurses
and heals
Therefore, since G-d eventually heals,
so there's no need to cry out so much.
The fact that you have pain and suffering
this is to awaken you for wrongdoings you committed.
So don't complain.
If you have any complaints,
shout at yourself!
Why did I bring myself into a situation where I deserve retribution?
The Jewish people do not receive a medal
that missiles are being fired at them.
It's not in merit of the mitzvoths,
it's due to transgressions.
Citizens in the South know how much G-d exists
more so than the people of the North.
Since they see how many missiles are being sent
and how many don't hit.
So they have grief now, the Southerners.
Yet we must share in their grief
since this community suffers on our behalf also.
It's not just that the Southerners sinned and are thus receiving missiles.
We also!
All over Yisrael.
Therefore, this is merely an introduction
since what is going to happen
is 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, 3,000 per day!
from the Hezbollah.
When will HASHEM decide they will release the safety latch?
That's up to HIM.
So this is only an introduction.
If we share with the anguish of the Southerners'
understanding that this is due to transgressions,
repenting together with them
then certainly G-d will relieve us from our enemies
causing them to argue amongst themselves
that the Islamic Jihad wipe out Hamass
so Hamass wipe out the Islamic Jihad.
G-d has no problem doing this.
However we must be worthy.
<i>"As surely as I have established My covenant with day and night..</i>
<i>the laws of Heaven and earth."</i>
Without Torah students,
G-d has no desire for the Jewish people.
Without Torah,
if we had not received the Torah,
the world would not have existed, it would have been destroyed.
The hindrance,
the greatest hindrance that will prevent man
from doing wrong
between man and man, also between man and G-d,
is his Fear of G-d.
If there is no Fear of G-d
we become criminals.
A woman wishes to marry
Man wishes to marry
What should one search for?
Is there Fear of G-d
or no Fear of G-d
Whoever merits marrying (a person) who has Fear of G-d,
This is the guaranteed assurance for a lifetime.
Nobody will betray,
nobody will transgress,
nobody will harm another.
Everything will be upon still waters.
The moment Fear of G-d is damaged,
there lies the complication.
A small child needs left (hand) forbidding
not agreeing with him in every matter
as it's necessary to show him that boundaries exist
however, it's also necessary to draw close with the right (hand).
To hug, caress, give warmth,
the giving of gifts
encouraging words, praising.
A woman also needs left (hand) forbidding
yet right (hand) drawing close
A woman can drive a man crazy.
Go to work
What work do you do?
What do you bring?
Look at the neighbours.
Look what they bought.
Look at that ...
We are always at home.
Bla, bla, bla!
It is necessary sometimes to put on the brakes over there.
However, on the other hand, one needs drawing close with the right (hand).
To initiate things;
going out sometimes,
to bring flowers,
buying clothes,
to compliment,
to thank (show appreciation) and so on.
So these are words our Sages had said.
It is impossible for everything to be a green light.
There's red!
Also green.
One needs to know where to place barriers
yet where to drive ahead.
Rabbeinu Bachye, the wise, genius and pious
one thousand years ago, said:
in the Gate of Love of Duties of the Heart
when rebuking someone,
one needs to know
sometimes speak softly with him
yet sometimes severely.
According to the person, place and time.
It depends!
One cannot be monotonous and at all times,
<i>"Her ways (the Torah) are pleasant ways."</i>
What about; <i>"Reprove your fellow...."</i>
Rather, one needs to know how to integrate.
The Chofez Haim zt"l said:
Since our Faith has slackened.
In order to strengthen (our Faith)
the Almighty revealed
technological innovations
in order to teach us faith.
In order to teach us
that there's an eye watching,
we are being observed by Heaven,
HE sent the camera
Today it is no longer a camera,
there are satellites
thousands of satellites above
that read with you the newspaper.
Meaning, an eye that watches, we can see.
So whoever created the eye, HE does not see?
In order to illustrate to us that the ear can hear
that HASHEM hears us in everything
HE sent us the telephone.
Today we know about recordings,
there are movies,
three dimensional,
there are holograms.
One can make everything, it is unbelievable.
In order to give an example that: <i>'all your deeds are written in a book'.</i>
Today a person can speak in the car to the WAZE
no need to type or tap
one speaks!
We say to it
it instantly brings up the address.
We see that everything.. buddies..
So if the people with their mall minds that G-d gave them
can do this
HE who invented us with our brains with everything
HE does'nt know, HE doe'nt see, HE does'nt hear, HE is nothing.
I entreat you all
do not give your children to any vaccine.
Here in our community
strictly only home births!
There are no births in hospitals.
Hospitals are not to be trusted.
Only home births with professional midwives.
All give birth in peace (successfully)
in good stable health as well as an amazing experience,
all being well.
However, upon arrival at the hospital
surgery is required, there's a deformity
we see via the ultrasound
inducing fear
you need to abort,
there's a risk to the Mother.
As they wish to diminish (the population).
<i>"I the L-RD am your G-d"</i>
who brought you out of the land of Egypt, the house of bondage.
What is written; <i>I brought YOU out.</i>
Every single individual
I brought him out, singly, one at a time.
Not everyone
rather each and every individual uniquely.
The Creator
for every single detail in particular.
The Creator created for us all the worlds for every single individual uniquely
also supervises us.
You think nobody notices
you are alone in the car
alone at home
a private conversation
you move to the side
thinking nobody is listening, looking.
Everything is filmed,
everything is documented,
everything is recorded.
They will play it back to you on a high volume.
We therefore know that HASHEM, the Creator HE supervises over all created beings.
Until today, what's the proof? that HE said:
<i>"I will not reject them or spurn them so as to destroy them.."</i>
<i>"annulling MY covenant with them."</i>
I swear to you, says HASHEM
that never, let the entire Nations of the world stand in opposition
will wish to annihilate you and all.
As it has been in all generations.
For in each generation they have risen against us, like today
yet the Holy One saves us from them.
For thousands of years HE stands by this promise.
So HASHEM is yours, privately, watches over you
but be smart. Appreciate.
There are people that HASHEM gives them signals,
harms their cash, sustenance,
with the neighbours, at home, with family.
They do not understand,
HE overwhelms them with critical illnesses.
Then they require their faith!
Then reluctantly they look for advice,
by their faith.
Why did'nt you previously believe when you were healthy, coherent,
when you had everything. Why?
Since you are Pharoh!
You are Pharoh, stubborn!
You received hints, signals and all.
It was explained to you. You knew.
Your Father informed you.
Your Mother told you. Your Grandmother told you.
Everyone told you.
Your friends told you.
You did'nt want to hear,
since you're a macho man.
You work out in the gym.
So, what are you scared of someone?
However, when the virus arrived
My oh my
You will not be able to satisfy the nefesh (soul).
The nefesh (soul) is spiritual
Howevermuch spirituality you feed (the soul) it will not be satiated.
The body is corporeal, limited.
You give to it up to a point, then he becomes sick.
Even if you love a certain something, for example;
like cheese cake.
How much can you eat?
<i>"If you find honey, eat only what you need."</i>
<i>"Lest, surfeiting yourself, you throw it up."</i>
It is impossible, the body cannot tolerate too much
but the nefesh (soul)
it will not fill up.
Howevermuch you give to it, wisdom,
It (the soul) will not fill.
Notice how many actors in the world commit suicide.
Although they had fame,
they were celebrities and everyone..
kisses and everything.
So why do they commit suicide?
Don't they have money?
They have.
Don't they have wealth?
They have.
Everything that one dreams of, they have.
So why do they commit suicide?
Since they satisfied the desires of their body alone.
Eventually the body abhors it,
loathes it.
It cannot take it anymore.
Enough, it cannot anymore.
However, if a person does not contemplate practically, what am I doing here?
Sit for a moment and ask yourself questions,
giving answers, founded (answers).
What are you doing here?
For how long?
What is the purpose?
So what will you accomplish?
Let's assume you had obtained it.
Will you take it (with you)?
So why are you going?
So for what reason did you arrive (to this world)?
What is the goal? Explain!
What can he explain?
If life begins with corporeality and ends with corporeality,
there is no purpose to Creation.
No point to the world.
How are you different to a cat?
He lives (a life) better than you.
He has now worries.
He does not receive letters in the mail.
Nobody threatens to disconnect his electricity,
he does'nt pay VAT
he eats what he desires anywhere
All your leftovers he eats.
Therefore, man needs to apprehend what is the purpose (to his life).
What is the purpose to (his life).
Transgressions loses the world to come.
So why are you oblivious to reality?
Why don't you investigate?
Why don't you examine?
Why don't you listen?
We, that have the Torah, written and arranged.
It's stated exactly what is permissible and what's prohibited.
How can we override what is written?
Ater all, who wrote the scripture? The Almighty.
So are you saying to HASHEM, no!
What will you say to HIM when in his presence?
The very first thing,
you wish to fulfill Shulchan Aruch (Jewish Code of Law)
<i>Not to be ashamed of the mockers.</i>
If you shy away,
you will not fulfill the Shulchan Aruch.
It is clear, you will observe only what's suitable, what society agrees with.
So that enquiries should not be made about you,
so that you should not need to give excuses.
Therefore whoever stands in this generation,
against the mainstream
he is analogous to Avraham the Hebrew.
This was our Father.
He stood against the entire world,
including his family.
There is no attachment to HASHEM without Torah.
The glue that cements us with HASHEM is the Torah.
When I am learning Torah right now
I am cleaving to HASHEM
and HE cleaves to me.
This is how it works.
Not only that,
what I am saying right now with my lips
HASHEM also says.
This is the attachment.
<i>"But ye that did cleave unto the Eternal your G-d are alive all of you this day."</i>
All the while King David did not pause from study
the Angel of Death could not overcome him.
The moment he stopped for a seconed,
he (the Angel) knocked him down on the step
taking his life.
As long as a person occupies himself with Torah
he is cleaving to the Almighty.
So one should learn from this how to endear life.
How to make the most of every moment
in order to attach ourselves to G-d
by learning our holy Torah.
You have an heritage,
all of the Torah that grants you the world to come.
You are able to sit at the right of HASHEM.
This is an inheritance that is forthcoming only to Kehillat Yaakov.
Are you from the community of Yaakov?
So this is your inheritance.
My oh my, how many people do not comprehend.
They don't understand the essence of life.
Do not know how to value time.
Do not know how to make life valuable.
When young, one does not put (life) into good use
When elderly, there's regret.
So whoever listens now, whilst he still has time
it's advisable to become wise,
and not to wait to hear the discourse when he is 90.
Whoever is still young should, utilize and value the days and times,
to toil, since man was born to labour.
Thus cleaving to the Almighty
with all his might.
As HASHEM says;
"You shall love HASHEM, your G-d, with all your heart"
"with all your soul"
"and with all your resources."
This needs to be done in practice, not just to say it.
If he has reached to an elderly age,
there's no point regretting the past
since it cannot be replaced.
The photo album will not be useful.
What's left is to collect as many mitzvoths as possible.
Thus leaving here (this world), in the best possible way.
So, one can think of the 6 regular, daily mitzvoths:
love of G-d, Fearing G-d and so forth.
He can think about this should he not have words of Torah available
to murmur,
saying Mishnayot,
saying verses.
A person needs to contemplate always
every second vanishes ...
Thus said our Sages of blessed memory in Hagiga 5
About three HASHEM cries over each day.
One of them is
someone who can study Torah but does not.
A person can occupy himself with Torah. so why don't you?
HASHEM cries over him every day.
Do you know what it is that
the son of G-d
allows his Father in Heaven to cry
What about?
that he has the opportunity to learn but does not.
Behold, we as parents know
how much anguish we experience when a child does not do his homework,
there are warnings and reprimands from teachers,
all kinds of problems.
We (as parents) are in great anguish.
There are those who cry.
G-d says: why do you not want to learn my Torah?
I give reward for every word you learn, 613 mitzvoths.
I am giving you Paradise
I am giving you Eternal life.
I will assist you in this world and the next.
What do you have that's better than what I'm giving you.
A newspaper?
Telly vision?
That will only eliminate you.
You will be given (a wipe out) vaccine
yet will tell you it's (a health) vaccine.
Is it not a shame.
You could have learned Torah
listening to the word of G-d,
thus not being baited by the liars.
You would'nt have had to receive all your life now (wipe out) vaccines.
Obviously daily tears are extreme grief.
It is written, that each and every day, HASHEM cries.
Every day HE cries,
every day.
About who?
Over each individual that can learn but does not.
What excuse will a person have upon arrival in Heaven,
when the Almighty will say to him, why did'nt you learn?
What did you cause me to cry every day over you?
What excuse will he have?
What better thing did he have to do than to listen to HASHEM in this matter?
What did HE ask of you, to work with a hoe?
What did HE ask of you, to climb mountains?
HE asked you to take a book and read.
Is it a problem, complex?
You will also be wise,
as well as receive a reward.
In both worlds. This is not good?
What do you have that's better?
You should know,
the greatest security on the Jewish people
by the men,
it is Torah learning
if there is suffering, sickness, wars
the Torah says, <i>"come my Nation to my chambers."</i>
Which chambers?
The chambers of Torah.
Enter there,
that's the refuge
this is the shield,
safety room,
that's everything!
Women that are not obligated in learning Torah
what protects them?
Their modesty.
So said, the Chozen Ish to Rav Kahanaman.
He asked him, "what protects women?"
He replied, "their modesty."
A woman who is modestly dressed from head to toe,
this is her protection.
This is a protection on her home.
and protection on Yisrael.
In the merit of righteous women,
Yisrael were and will be redeemed.
<i>"Let G-d not find anything unseemly among you"</i>
causing (G-d)
<i>"to turn away from you."</i>
banishing Devine presence.
Obviously anyone who causes removal of Devine Presence
will be prosecuted for her dismissal.
However, in our generation, we have become lacking in clothing.
Men are also removing their clothes.
Short sleeved shirts,
walking around as though it's the beach.
This is not modest!
"Walk modestly with HASHEM your G-d."
It's written in Jewish law
that man has to wear a shirt
to here, up to the wrist,
Especially during prayer.
When a person prayers in front of HASHEM
needs to be properly dressed, covered and so forth.
How can I learn Torah in succession?
Without loss, like King David that was (learning) on Shabbath.
This nice boy, if you are unaware,
he is tested by us every week
he brings forth 100%, 100%, 100%, 100%
There are a few children in the PAZ community, by us
that we educate them like this.
They learn 2 chapters
as well as their meanings.
They are tested on their verbal
as well as comprehension.
Each week they complete 2 chapters.
Thank G-d they bring forth 100%, 100%,
are given prizes and all.
One can extract from children
things that you cannot imagine.
These are destined to be geniuses
don't underestimate your children
go to play, this and that.
Open the computer,
don't drive me mad,
don't drive me crazy.
No! Invest in your children
thus receive brimming results.
This is education that is required to be taught.
Now you are asking how you can learn
all the time.
You have to come to a realization
that you are not interested in the vanity of this world
wishing to diligently study only Torah.
What do you need?
Food, drink and accommodation.
In a few years
you will be a genius
and a Torah Scholar.
If you do so,
not interested in anything.
No friends and no nonsense.
Only to learn, learn and learn.
You will grow to greatness.
This, I assure you
and I am standing close by you
to ensure that it will succeed. OK.
It is imperative to correct our character traits
according to the Torah.
There are specific books for this:
"The ways of the Tzaddikim"
"Gateways to Teshuvah"
"Path of the Just"
"Duties of the Heart."
Complete books.
That just..
"The Beginning of Wisdom" (also)
that explain solely
how to use character traits.
The Vilna Gaon says,
That the whole purpose of our coming to the world, is to rectify our traits
and if not, why was he given a life?
You can be a genius, clever, huge and everything
but if you don't have good character traits
you worked for yourself.
You had not served G-d
You are a donkey
carrying books.
You have countless of books recorded in mind,
You remember everything.
Nonetheless, you're a donkey.
You have not changed.
Why a donkey?
Since it is written,
<i>"A wild ass (donkey) is born a man."</i>
Every child is like a wild ass (donkey)
kicks, throws, tears, pulls,
as you see, like an ass (donkey).
As long as one does not educate the ass (donkey)
he only kicks disruptively.
From this ass (donkey) needs to sprout a man
that will behave
as a human being.
What do we say to a person who misbehaves
What are you an animal?
What are you a donkey?
What happened to you? How are you behaving?
We by ourselves tell him, without having learned Torah.
there is conduct of humans
and there's conduct of animals.
Man, is someone who knows how to be in G-d's image.
In G-d's image, is G-d like conduct.
Just as HE created us with a brain,
with a soul,
that it will control the body.
The body of man, runs
wanting to eat, taste,
to enjoy,
to be pampered.
Non stop, the body searches incessantly
like an animal.
An animal, again and again bends his head eating weed.
Have you ever seen a horse read a book?
There is no such thing.
Constantly eating, drinking, this and that, running around and that's all.
What is our body? A horse,
but it has on it a rider, the soul.
You have to saddle on it.
You have to direct it.
Not every time he wants something
you run to the fridge,
run to the pantry.
Yes, he gets up, changes his pyjamas, and runs out to buy cigarettes.
I did'nt buy cigarettes. oh no, I did'nt buy cigarettes.
In order to bring up smoke
he thus runs out in the middle of the night
to buy cigarettes.
He's in a frenzy, what will be, I don't, I don't (have)
The donkey does'nt have, there's no cigarettes for the donkey.
Therefore, mankind needs to know
that they need to control their traits.
To govern character traits is the goal of man in this world.
Who educates him? The Torah.
Nonetheless, if the Torah will not succeed in improving you
not being able to rectify your traits
using them appropriately,
you have remained a wild ass (donkey)
thus man is not yet born in you.
This is an important lesson. A person needs to review it
and to work at it.
I presented you with a list of books.
Make a start.
YAVNE 20 MAY 2021
If you would be offered $5,000
learn 2 chapters verbally,
and pass an exam,
all of you would pass the exam.
However, there's nobody to offer you $5,000.
Paradise does not persuade you.
Paradise, you are certain you will arrive there somewhere
one of these days.
A person does'nt toil for this.
It is far off.
Give me here, here and now.
One can see that people
sincerely do not comprehend
why they were sent to this world.
They don't understand.
If a person wishes to grow
he can grow to become one of the Greatest of the generation of the Jewish People.
Nobody here knows, the extent of his soul given to him
Although, when he arrives
in the world of truth
man is judged according to what he is.
What is meant by, according to what he is?
One received a soul this size,
which he has to fill.
He returned with a soul like this.
How is he judged? According to what he is.
They say to him, "you were meant to be.."
"One of the Greatest" "Do you know what a brain we gave you?"
Do you know what wisdom? What understanding?
What capabilities, opportunities.
What did you do with all this?
You went to become a tailor?
A pluber?
What were you? A clerk.
What did you do?
Why did'nt you sit and learn Torah?
You know where you could have reached?
No one here knows who he could have been.
I grew up in Tel-Aviv.
In a secular school.
There was nobody who explained to me what I needed to do and what not.
I read a book: 'Kitzur Shulchon Oruch' (Code of Jewish Law)
With this, I began by myself.
If I would not have read the book,
I would have reached HEAVEN (after life).
They would have said to me: "Very nice, you..."
You were a man who coped with life very well
You had this and that, well done.
However, do you know who you were supposed to be?
Then they would have shown me a man
who travels from place to place
inspiring others to return to HASHEM
speaking to their hearts, persuading them
performing extraordinary honourable deeds.
In your merit, I returned to Torah-Judaism a year and 2 months ago.
They would then say to me: You know what hell is waiting for you now,
since you did'nt utilize what we gave YOU!
What could I have said?
They show me proofs,
here, this is the Amnon Yitzhak of then
that you chose
yet this is what we planned (for you).
Each one of you is exactly the same.
I assure you that non of you have utilized even 10%
of what he could.
<font color="#ffff00">I began practising (Judaism) thank G-d, from Rosh Hashanah</font>
<font color="#ffff00">Until today.</font>
<font color="#ffff00">I began donning tefillin, keeping Shabbath</font>
<font color="#ffff00">blessing over food.</font>
<font color="#ffff00">Plus a few other things.</font>
<font color="#ffff00">However, I have a phone that is not kosher.</font>
<font color="#ffff00">OK. I have been told that the righteous will judge me in Heaven.</font>
<font color="#ffff00">Correct? This is what will happen?</font>
<font color="#ffff00">In the court hearing.</font>
<font color="#ffff00">Who will judge me? It will be a righteous person, some kind of tzaddik, no?</font>
Listen sweetie,
a person is judged for every sin that exists
and it makes no difference who sits in judgement.
Over every sin, one is judged.
Although, if you are apprehensive,
then what's the problem, we have a hammer
and you can destroy it right now.
Listen, Rabbi, I won't break it now
Why not?
As it's a process, I won't break it now.
If I do, I shall buy another next week.
Of course, it is a process.
Of course it is a process,
I won't say let's break it, everyone will applaud and tomorrow I will buy another.
Firstly, even if you quit for a day, that night you gained without sin.
This is also good.
After all, one day you'll have to destroy it.
You say it's a process.
Let's say that in 2 weeks you'll break it.
So why should you ..
Am uncertain if it will be in 2 weeks
So in a month
Why should you profit sin in the meantime?
That afterward you will be judged for, what do you need this for?
If you can flee from sin right now
as well as rectifying all the past.
So why don't you do this?
You want to ensure a judgment?
I don't feel that I'm sinning with this phone
Oh really not?
No, I don't feel I'm sinning with this phone
You merely learn <i>"when you walk along the way"</i>
Meaning, what do you do?
There's such an APPS: <i>"when you walk along the way"</i>
that holds all the books of the Torah and everything.
One can learn there.
Is this what you do with the phone?
I see the Rabbi's movies. I see other peoples' movies.
Ok and that's it, nothing more?
You know...
Yes, you know, you know.
Therefore, let's destroy the part on the phone of the "you know."
I propose to you, that you don't need this.
So destroy and good bye.
Go to a place where you can really learn Torah.
Not needing to be sustained by others.
You yourself can see how many books there are.
There's also at the back and over there.
You can sit and learn, and fill up here.
Not just to hear others speak.
You must learn.
Every Jew must learn,
<i>"recite it day and night."</i>
You need to recite the Torah day and night.
You therefore must try to do this.
If you won't come to this recognition
I am trying honorable Rabbi
Ok, I did'nt infer
I heard that you have made a start and you're thank G-d on the way.
Even so, it is possible to leap faster
If you are on the way to wealth
someone advises you of a short cut
thus next week you can already be affluent.
what will you say?
listen here, don't make me run,
I am in the process
slowly, slowly
I want to be poor, middle class-poor
May be I will not say this to him but I shall value my money more.
Exactly, your life is worth more than money.
At a time when you will be sick needing G-d forbid to die
after 120 years
money will not help you to save your life.
Although, here you can save your life and prolong it.
Why would you not do this?
It's more than money, more than riches.
I did'nt say, I will not do this.
I said, I would not do this now
Correct, which is why I ask, why later
if in the meantime you are just losing and not profiting.
It could be that I would break it now
Where is the hammer?
Just a minute, Honorable Rabbi
There are two reasons that I cannot break it
Firstly, I can break it and tomorrow buy a new.
Second, it's not my phone but my Father's phone.
If I break it, he will be annoyed with me.
I did'nt understand, it belongs to him and you must return it.
So return it to him today.
There's a likelihood, I will return it.
It's possible
OK, it's possible
<font color="#ffff00">So you are saying actually</font>
<font color="#ffff00">that I will be judged, regardless of phone. In any case I will be judged</font>
Of course! Every person, even the pious stand in judgment,
either they're eligible or accountable.
All stand in judgment.
<font color="#ffff00">Who will judge me? Who is supposed to judge me?</font>
The Heavenly Tribunal.
What does it consist of?
Some say, it combines the Great of that Generation.
So when they judge you, you may say I could not fulfill,
they will say, here I sit here in judgment and I did manage to fulfill.
Why could'nt you. I am from your generation
Why do you say, that you could not fulfill?
Apparently, your soul is much higher.
Leave me out of it, please.
You will return today the phone and all will be well.
G-d willing, tomorrow.
Be successful.
<font color="#ffff00">Thank you very much honorable Rabbi.</font>
You can see all the Heads of State
all over the world.
These are servants
that were permitted to rule.
These are not people who are real Monarchs
Yoseph was a King!
He controlled his every being! (organs and sinews)
When that dunce she,
wife of Potifar attempted to seduce him
he did not give in.
A young man
17 years of age.
For a whole year she entices him.
An absolute beauty.
Though he does not surrender.
That's a King!
In control over all parts of his body.
He was in prison!
For 12 years
yet he stayed a King!
Thus, when they took him out from the pit
in order to interperate Pharo's dream
Pharo felt that in front of him stands a King.
He thus permitted him to rule over all of Egypt
a further 80 years.
He ruled over the entire of world.
He collected all the treasures of all the monies of the world to him.
That's a King.
A king is not
you were chosen
thereafter you're kicked
returning to be a nothing
as you were before.
A King is someone who controls
over every sinew and organ
that is a King.
He is able to guard his eyes.
He can guard his ears.
He can restrain his hands
He can guard all parts of his body
not permitting them to go wild, to do
whatever his heart desires.
This is a King.
That's a King.
The Torah teaches us to be such leaders governing over all organs and sinews.
Which is why we have a Torah
that has 248 positive commandments (do)
plus 365 negative commandments (don't do)
together, making it 613 mitzvoths.
Facing them, G-d created exactly
248 organs in man's body
and 365 sinews.
All this is exactly facing the Torah.
In life there are many occurrences, virtually every day
where a new trial comes up.
All of a sudden, there are bills (to pay)
then anxiety,
then the children,
Suddenly, the neigbours,
then a trial, suddenly this and suddenly that.
Suddenly, at work.
All kinds of things.
There are those who despair.
There are those who complain.
There are others who do not understand.
All kinds of things.
Every day.
Every day.
One must remember that you had such instances each day, till today.
Now you are here and you have overcome all these cases.
So what about the Devine assistance you had merited till today?
Where did the Devine assistance disappear to?
Where is all the recognition?
Which is why the verse states, <i>"Remember the long way"</i>
<i>"that your G-d has made you travel"</i>
this is 40 years.
You're not one day or two with HASHEM, for 40 years you are travelling the desert.
HE provided for you all your lackings.
Even in a place where it is impossible.
There is no bread,
no place to plant
there's nothing.
There is no water in the desert.
Thus, supplied you with all your needs.
Quail (bird)
the Heavenly bread (Mannah)
and all flavours.
One did not even deed to change clothing.
Nor shoes.
All being well.
So why are complaining?
A person has to observe, how old he is?
30, 40, 50, 60, 70 years.
How did you arrive to this point so far?
How are you alive?
despite alllllll
worries and troubles that you had.
Thinking you would'nt withstand or cope.
How did you arrive to this point so far?
Why do you not acknowledge all the Devine assistance so far.
How does a person place his trust
in a person (human being) like him.
"Put not your trust in the Great" <i>(in mortal man who cannot save)</i>
Do me a favour, for goodness sake, help me.
If you won't help me, I'm this ..
Do me a favour.
Beseeching him.
If he would plead like this to G-d,
He would have been answered a long time ago.
Although to people, he approaches with trepidation and mercy,
yet to HASHEM he loosely prays like so..
You favor man with perception <i>(and teach mankind understanding).</i>
<i>"He imposes peace in His heights."</i> and good bye.
In other words, he does not truly live with a sense of trust
that HASHEM supervisors him
that he loves him
worries for him.
He has not acquired this.
HASHEM says, <i>"I the L-rd am your G-d"</i>
<i>"Instructing you for your own benefit"</i>
<font color="#ffffff"><i>"Guiding you in the way you should go."</i></font>
By all your trials, I stand by you.
The purpose to all trials
in order to raise you, uplift you.
If I should ask you, are there people here who keep Shabbath?
All will raise their hands.
So I shall not burden you.
I am informing you
It is hard for me to believe that there are here
One person that keeps Shabbath!
How many people know the 39 labours?
On each and every 39 labours, there's another 39
With all drawings.
The Mishna Brura says, that If a person does not learn all the laws of Shabbath
repeatedly, back and forth,
it is impossible not to stumble each Shabbath
by a few prohibitions from the Torah.
I am going to be easy with you.
Let's assume you know it all.
You are the Chofez Chaim.
However, how many people do not fail in their speech on Shabbath.
It is written,<i>"Recite them when you stay at home."</i> and not with purposeless matters
this is said of a week day.
How much more so, on Shabbath.
Barely, says the Yerushalmi was it permitted saying Shabbath Shalom during Shabbath, barley.
Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai would tell his Mother who would over speak during Shabbath
"Today is Shabbath."
So she should stay silent.
Even raising one's voice
is problematic since a person should be calm,
delighting on Shabbath.
And your speech will not speak anything...
Your speech on Shabbath should not be as on a week day.
How many people speak about this and that,
about what is happening
Shakorona (the COVID lie) and deaths and sicknesses,
buildings, and they bought an apartment
they walked and travelled, and we will travel... and this and that..
This is desecration of Shabbath.
It is desecrating the Shabbath.
So how many people (actually) observe Shabbath?
Now check about what you speak of during Shabbath.
It is very difficult to keep Shabbath,
if a person will not learn the laws all the time.
He is wasting his time.
He will arrive to the world of truth
sure I keep Shabbath, two tefillins.
Don't ask, what I..
He will be questioned about all kinds of matters he thinks he observed
although it will be revealed he knew nothing.
So whoever thinks that repentance is only for the wicked
or those who sin willfully
secularists and the rebellious.
Not at all. If only, the Chareidim (ultra orthodox) will repent.
How did the holy Ari z"l become?
We did not hear of the holy Tanna'im
what we heard from the holy Ari z"l.
In total he passed away at the age of 38.
Yet he manged to do so much.
All of the Torah and all it's revelations.
He was a spark soul of Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai
that was the spark soul of Moshe Rabbeinu
that was the holy Ari z"l.
He could look at a person and know all his reincarnations that he had in his lifetime.
All reincarnations,
what he went through, what he did and what he needed to correct.
He would bring down angels.
He could speak with Tanna'im in their graves.
Astonishing, lofty levels.
How did a person arrive at this?
He was asked, with what did you merit?
What was his reply? Do you know?
You will not believe it.
All of the mitzvoths, I did with joy!
It is written, <i>"Because you would not serve your G-d in joy and gladness,"</i>
<i>"and gladness of heart over the abundance of everything,"</i>
<i>"you shall have to serve your enemies"</i>
<i>"naked and lacking!"</i> (in hunger and thirst)
HASHEM is saying, why are you not happy I am giving you diamonds to collect.
I am giving you the world to come.
Why are you not happy as though you have found an abundance of booty?
Why are you not happy?
What makes you happy?
With what are you happy?
I am giving you a life of eternity, after all, you will shortly reach ME.
Then forever, what will you be doing?
If a person wishes to cling to the Almighty,
the Almighty will bring him all the way to HIM
but if a person distances himself from G-d
abandoned HIM going for corporeal desires
My oh my, he will have to be purified in hell.
for many years,
at the very least,
at a compromise.
Since it is necessary to cleanse all the filth of desire.
However, there's another problem.
If he arrives with negative character traits!
They remain with him!
He remains with them, as he is.
So if he was exceedingly lustful.
He will search there for that same desire and there's none there.
This is a great grief.
Nothing, naught, whatever you are looking for does not exist.
If he does not rectify this here, his character traits,
said the Vilna Gaon,
<i>'For what reason was he given a life?'</i>
If you have not rectified your traits
Why should you have a life?
We don't have a mind to think about this.
As we are burdened by the vanities of this world.
There will be a serious accusation against us.
Where did you return your love?
What are we reciprocating?
nothing, we only declare, demand, making requests.
Master of the Universe, I want this
help me with this, assist me with that
give me for so and so, keep so and so quiet.
Open for that one the so and so..
All the time, just demands, demands, demands.
Yet, what are you doing?
You do not even know, your worth.
Your value.
You are the children of G-d, do you even recall this?
Does anyone walk around thinking that he is the son of G-d.
Nobody thinks this.
The son of the Almighty has to show HIM honour.
The son has to show honour to his Father.
The son of the Almighty. Incredible!
A returnee to Judaism, the moment he returned and his intention is for Heaven's sake,
to learn and fulfill everything.
It is considered as though he has leaned everything.
As though he has reached his purpose.
Can you hear how much HASHEM loves us.
Even if we were criminals and we distanced ourselves
doing all the nonsense that exists in the world,
the road is paved at every moment, each second.
A person that does not take advantage of this,
this is a person that is brainless, dull and dim.
How can one not take advantage of such an opportunity?
Moving close to the Almighty.
Soon we will all be arriving there.
What will we have to say?
What will we say?
Who does'nt wish to live?
Who does'nt want Paradise?
So why are you neglecting repentance?
HASHEM says to you, <i>"Choose life.."</i>
I did not ask of you to atheist your children.
I did not request of you to give me cash.
I requested you to <i>"Choose life.."</i>
so you and your offspring should live,
I tell you that I have made the mitzvah of repentance, the easiest in the world.
Since the thing is very close to you.
<i>"in your mouth.."</i> You have a mouth
Confess, saying:
<i>"I beseech Thee, O Great Name! I have sinned; I have been obstinate;"</i>
<i>"I committed profanity against Thee, particularly in doing such and such."</i>
<i>in your mouth and your heart.</i>
Do you have a heart?
Be regretful.
Regret what you have done.
Then begin doing what needs to be done.
So, does one not have to love HASHEM after you were an infamous criminal.
You committed many transgressions.
HE says to you, come..
I am outreaching my right hand to you, saying come..
Just tell me you're remorseful,
regretful of the past and from now on you're .....
Should one not love such a G-d who gives you such a possibility and opportunity?
Taking you down from the gallows.
Just promise that you will be good so to speak.
Come, come down from the gallows.
How does a person not do this?
Brainless, dull and dim, silly billy.
<font color="#ffff00">Everyone knows we are currently in the times of "the coming of the Messiah."</font>
<font color="#ffff00">There are many conspiracies.</font>
<font color="#ffffff">Why conspiracies? He can come any day.</font>
<font color="#ffff00">There are many theories</font>
No theories, every day.
<font color="#ffff00">Mosshiah, who is he...</font>
Leave him be, who he may be. What do we care, who he is?
We care for him to come.
Now, every day he can come...
<font color="#ffff00">We need to know who he is in order to welcome him, no?</font>
No don't worry, Eliyahu (the prophet) will arrive 3 days beforehand, telling us who he is?
No need for concern.
<font color="#ffff00">Do I not need to be ready?</font>
You have to be ready, of course.
You know once, I told someone that in 3 months he will arrive.
He began to cry.
I asked him why he was crying. You should be happy, he has arrived.
He said, no I am not ready.
You are hesitant to meet Mashiah in 3 months as you are not ready.
Though you are not taking into consideration that you can die today and meet the Almighty.
Do you hear?
That's it, you have to be prepared for all the reasons.
PARIS 15 JULY 2021
Every person
arrives to the world to fulfill a mission
there is no person
not a man or a woman
that arrive for no reason
to eat
to drink
to work
to live
and to depart.
There's no such thing.
Every person has a mission in the world
and it is his obligation to discover
what his mission is in the world.
To utilize all his strength
for this intended purpose.
There are people
that G-d gave them skills
and they use them for business
for mundane matters.
If they would take that same force
that G-d gave to them
directing it toward the spiritual
to make known G-d's Torah
becoming loyal servants of HASHEM
HE would provide them with even more tools
to grow and grow infinitely.
However, as they are directed toward the material
they will succeed according to their efforts.
However for this, they will not receive reward at all.
If they arrive at Heaven saying,
I had 100 shops
I had land
I had houses
they will laugh at him.
They will ask: What did you do for the sake of G-d's honour?
For what purpose did you receive a soul?
You are not a gentile
you are a Jew
You came to fulfill a role and mission in the world.
What have you accomplished?
You received a pure holy soul,
in the image of G-d, you received.
What did you do with this?
What can he say?
I did business.
Therefore, whoever understands what we have said so far
and will do what we have said to this point,
will merit a long life
that will be decreed upon him from Heaven
so that he can carry out
all that is incumbent upon him.
a person says to G-d, <i>"Master of the world"</i>
<i>I wish to be able to do this and that for your honour</i>
G-d will most certainly assist him and give to him
all that is necessary in order to succeed.
Since everything that man requests
for spirituality
HASHEM permits.
Man should not suffice
only to fulfill Torah and Mitzvoths, for himself.
upon each and every one of us
to advertise the Torah
and the Mitzvoths (commandments)
among Yisrael
even among the Nations.
<i>"Since instruction will come forth from Zion"</i>
<i>"The word of the L-rd from Jerusalem"</i>
A person who is about to transgress
he derives pleasure.
A pleasure of 5 mins, 15 mins, half an hour
but what's his loss? A life of eternity.
The same applies to mitzvoths.
You lose a mitzvah,
you were lazy,
you have spared yourself (doing) the mitzvah.
Look at what you could have earned from it. How much reward you would have received.
There are complete lectures on this.
However, we never make an accounting, rather we live on a regular basis,
and that's all.
However, what does King Solomon, may peace be upon him say:
<i>"The sum of the matter, when all is said and done"</i>
<i>"Revere G-d and observe his commandments!"</i>
<i>"For this applies to all mankind."</i>
Meaning, from the beginning of the book, all chapters
proves to us King Solomon
that this entire world is vanity of vanities.
<i>"Utter futility!" Said Koheleth "Utter futility! All is futile".</i>
The entire book he proves that all is vanity.
He said, I have tried, checked, seen and tasted
I had everything!
I tell you that all is futile.
The last line of the book. Do you wish to know what's the conclusion, he says.
The conclusion is this:
<i>"The sum of the matter,"</i>
<i>"when all is said and done:"</i>
Meaning, in the end we will stand before the Creator
they will play back for us and show us all that we have done.
<i>"Revere G-d!"</i>
<i>"and observe all his commandments."</i>
<i>"For this applies to all mankind."</i>
When you reach the Heavens, you will see what is man?
Not everything that was here or what you imagined.
You are assessed according to your Fear of G-d,
commandments and transgressions.
When will you acknowledge that the entire world is vanity?
When you read of this, you don't acknowledge it.
You want it, chase after it, despite having read it.
When you will be G-d fearing,
observing the mitzvoths,
then you will feel that only the Torah is the life and good that G-d promised in the Torah.
Only then, after fearing G-d
and observance of the Torah
will see that this applies to all mankind.
Not like a person thinks, that Torah is good
to include it into my life.
However, I am a person outside the Torah.
There's me and there's the Torah.
I take from the Torah, the good things.
There is no such thing.
A well-known incident by the Maharal of Prague
that once upon leaving for morning payers, 'Shacharit'
he saw people running away.
He asked what happened?
they said: "there is a lion roaming the streets."
He then asked, "Where did you last see him?"
They told him, in so and so street.
He faced in that direction
Indeed, the lion came toward him
saw him and ran away!
They asked him, what is this wonder? How does it work?
How did you do this?
He told them that he saw my tefillin and ran away.
We were also with tefillin although we ran away.
Yes but it is written, <i>And all the peoples of the earth shall see</i>
<i>that the name of HASHEM is over you.</i>
Meaning, what does it mean, the name of HASHEM is written over you
Not only that the name of HASHEM is written on the tefillin
but that HE is above you.
When you make G-d King over you
and He is always before you.
<i>"I place HASHEM before me always."</i>
Then the animals also notice that the name of HASHEM is written on you
and will fear you.
Hence the lion fled.
This is merely from the tefillin.
Imagine to yourselves, if a person rectifies his character traits.
According to what is written in the 13 Principles of Faith.
He literally becomes the ruler of the world,
and nothing will stand in his way.
There are certain tzaddikim that the name Yud, Kay, Vav, Kay
appears on their forehead.
This, not everyone can see.
Only exceptional people
merit seeing this.
That the name of HASHEM is imprinted on their forehead.
Not that they imprint it.
Rather the "I place HASHEM before me always" that they have
this is noticed upon them.
This is imperative and necessary for every person to correct their traits in this manner.
The Vilna Gaon says in (the book) 'A Whole Stone'
that if a person comes to the world without having rectified his traits,
too bad he was born.
Better that he had not been created.
The whole purpose for which man was created in the world,
is for correcting his character traits.
The Creator, <i>for all His deeds are righteous and proper</i>
and there is no questioning Him.
No one here knows what reincarnation we are
Why we came?
What we came to rectify?
What we did that was wrong?
The Creator attends to us exactly
as we deserve
according to justice and law,
Measure for measure,
Not a gram more
or a gram less.
Exactly, precisely, absolutely.
Thus a person needs to be happy with G-d's decree.
Not to search for what is not coming to you,
as you will not obtain it.
It's written: Anyone who places his eyes,
on that which is not his
not only will he not obtain that which is not his
rather that which he had is taken away from him.
Don't gaze at what is not yours.
A person should always be happy with his lot.
<i>"And who is wealthy?"</i>
<i>"One who is happy with his lot."</i>
Why is this his lot?
Since according to his deeds,
according to his rectification,
this is his lot.
A person that fulfills a Mitzvah with suffering, with difficulty and duress,
he receives 100 times more for that mitzvah.
One does'nt feel well,
the other feels good.
Two of them don tefillin.
The one that donned tefillin, receives a reward for donning tefillin.
The one not feeling well, donning tefillin, receives
100 times, (the mitzvah) of donning tefillin. 100 times more.
If he has greater sufferings
then it's a further 100 times more. He receives 10,000.
If he has even more sufferings,
he receives a further 100 which is 1 million times more.
Meaning, as much as a person is in duress
yet fulfills HASHEM'S mitzvoths'
HASHEM rewards him
according to his difficulty.
<i>According to the labour is the reward.</i>
According to the labour
one receives reward.
When a person labours for another at work.
He cares not if he feels well or not.
He requires productivity.
If you are not productive, so go home.
Take a day off.
I am not paying you for this.
Good bye.
By the Almighty, there is no such thing.
The Almighty pays for the effort
the exertion. Not on the results.
For the labour
and for the exertion.
He wishes to see that you are making the effort to do His will.
However much you exert yourself, you will receive more.
Even if the result in the end
is not complete, unsuccessful,
because you are not feeling well.
Not so! By the Almighty, pay is given according to effort.
Everyone has talents,
and capabilities
that he can get the most out of them
for the G-dly plan
that the Almighty destined for you
to us, and for the entire world.
For example, slander.
It's forbidden.
<i>"You shall not go as a talebearer among your people."</i>
However, he is currently on a bus,
he hears people speaking amongst themselves.
He does not make any comments, neither reproves them
on the contrary, he inclines his ear to hear.
You are overriding a prohibition
or he gazes at forbidden things, <i>"do not stray..."</i>
so he gazes at forbidden things.
Whoever faces a flesh and blood King
he for sure does not override his word when he is in his presence.
Only if he moves away from the King he can do all kinds of things
but in his presence, who would dare?
However, the Great King, whose Glory fills the earth
there is no place where He is not present and does not see you.
Yet you sin in front of Him.
With what do you sin whilst in His presence?
With the very life force He gives you.
He gave you a life force.
He gave you organs.
You use everything He gave you, opposing Him
in His face!
<i>'I set HASHEM before me always.'</i>
<i>'because He is at my right hand, I will not stumble.'</i>
G-d accompanies us
step by step, watching over us.
We therefore need to be careful of His honour.
Listen carefully.
Whoever transgresses but does not repent
the punishment does not cleanse him of anything.
Only with repentance
the suffering atones iniquity.
You've heard of the concept "Kaparat Avonot" <i>(atonement of iniquity).</i>
Atonement of iniquity is only with repentance.
Without repentance
You can say <i>"atonement of iniquity"</i> in the taxi 1,000 times also on the bus <i>"atonement of iniquity."</i>
It does not work!
These are punishments, not atonements. There are no atonements here.
Only with repentance there can be atonement.
If you repent
you have thousands, hundreds of thousands of sins,
the Almighty cleanses you like a new born baby
that has no open account.
What, what else can one ask for, tell me?
What else can one ask for?
After all, if a person
new that his head was wanted by the King,
he would be prepared to take on anything, just so that he should not kill him.
I will be your slave, step over me from morning to evening, beat me.
Don't give me any food, just keep me alive.
He would be ready for everything.
Yet the Almighty,
does not request of you, does not harm you.
Does not do to you, this or that
keeps you as you are renewed.
One has to be a fool
not to take advantage of this opportunity to cleanse everything.
The Almighty
He is close to us,
although concealed from us.
We cannot see Him.
We don't see Him.
However, He watches over us, observing our deeds,
<i>"in our conscience He searches all."</i>
<i>"Who tests the thoughts and the mind."</i>
G-d sees everything.
We fail to recall that he is observing us
since we do not say: <i>"I place G-d before me at all times"</i>
thus do not think that the Almighty is always present before me.
Wherever I am, so is He.
Then in our audacity
we use the forces He gave us, to oppose Him!
Rebelling against Him.
Yet He can disconnect our thread of life within a moment.
Nonetheless, He gives you the forces with which you transgress.
Yet does not harm you since He is <i>slow to anger.</i>
He has patience
even though He suffers insult
since it is most insulting.
One who gives you a cake for your birthday
you pick up the cake and thrust it in his face.
This is an insult like no other,
an offence that cannot be forgiven.
You take from HASHEM the kind powers He gives you, using them against him?
Meaning, the Almighty He is <i>compassionate and gracious,</i>
How does a person transgress?
When a spirit of nonsense enters him.
If he would busy himself with wisdom
he would not do nonsensical things.
Although, when he watches silly vision and all the rest, he then get's vaccinated.
Why? Since he believes the swindlers,
and so forth.
So, G-d wishes, in short, that we should return to Him and draw close to Him.
He will thus have mercy on us.
A person needs to inspect
if he is striving on the path of the just or not
not blindly.
One cannot move forward, lets drive to see where we arrive at.
No such thing.
One needs a map, waze, needs something
to know that you are ascending the correct path.
Even then, one can make a mistake,
even after you have examined the paths.
At least you are decreasing your chances to err.
However, if you don't verify at all!
Surely and undoubtedly you're mistaken!
Since it is inconceivable
that one does all that he does
without planning or thinking or verifying
and all will be complete truth.
How can such a thing be?
Everything with perfection,
verifying all that I do,
permitted or not, yes, no, when and how.
Therefore it is obligatory.
He that is not obligated, he simply abandons his life.
When he arrives at the world of truth,
my oh my!
How many dreams he had, that he will say..
they will say to him, speak and remember etc.
Wow, what they will root out from there.
He cannot even imagine.
For one day, if you would know
what they will claim of you, for one day alone.
Abolition of Torah, slander, forbidden gazing, forbidden hearing
invalid singers, Non-Kosher food
My oh my!
Just as you begin
let's go over the Jewish code of law, let's see what you observe.
This not, this not, this not, this not, this not, this not, this not.
How do you wish to progress?
What will you say?
How many are aquainted with the Jewish code of law.
That are knowledgeble with what is permitted and what is forbidden.
So how do you expect reaching Heaven and you'll say, what will you say?
That you are ok.
With what?
No, I was a good guy, ask about me.
So what if you were a good guy.
So what if you were a good guy.
Did I ask you to be a good guy?
For what reason did I give the Torah and 613 mitzvoths?
For whom was this?
For the bad guys.
As though the good guys are exempt and the bad guys are obligated
What is this?
If a person does not prepare
for himself and does not learn
thus not preparing himself to do indeed,
he is misfortunate.
A false prophet says:
I can move the sea
from the west
to the east
after he speaks
the sea moves
to the east
Everyone, wowing!
What a wonder!
A person that can do such a thing
everyone says, holy, holy.
What did the prophet say?
Let's go and serve idols.
All that was till now, was a test,
this is incorrect
although now the truth is
we need to serve idols.
Come after me!
Here, do you wish me to prove to you
that whatever I say, G-d does.
Here we go;
the sea will move from here to there.
It moved over!
What do we do now?
Meaning he (the adversary) has so much power and ownership,
the evil
to do such things, to such an extent.
So, obviously there are many mistakes
and much confusion.
It is not coincidental
rather, these are trials.
Since HASHEM is testing you in order to know if you love Him
or not!
It's all trials.
This is how creation was created that there should be room for error.
The function of the negative inclination is to mislead everyone and to confuse them.
He has enormous powers
to the extent of changing reality.
However, the Almighty said at the splitting of the sea
<i>"You shall not make for yourselves a sculptured image or any likeness"</i>
<i>"in the Heavens above, or on the earth below"</i>
He warned!
<i>"You shall have no other Gods besides Me."</i>
That's it.
Now should there come a Prophet
who will make tricks and move the sea,
will bring down what he will bring down, will do what he does.
We are forbidden to believe him.
What! But this is a reality!
Look he changed reality.
We are forbidden
to move even one iota
from the holy Torah.
Come whoever will come, do whatever he does
will come 100, 1,000, 2,000
10,000, a million
Nothing must move us.
All this, G-d is testing you
<i>"to see whether you really love your G-d" or not (with all your heart and soul)</i>
HASHEM can say later differently
HASHEM can do whatever He likes I merely need to hear what HASHEM is saying.
Beforehand, He told me like this,
Now He told me differently
Whatever he says, I do!
Without tactics!
Without, if he told me like this then ... without argument, no hand signals
Straight foward and simple.
We do not move from HASHEM's instruction.
When G-d says something, requesting from us something,
we in turn do His will, as He wills.
This gives pleasure to the Almighty
<i>"You must be wholehearted with your G-d."</i>
What is wholehearted, the Targum says:
Shlim Ta'aved
One has to do with integrity and perfection.
flawless and complete.
Perfection is essential.
It is wirtten in the Jewish Code of Law, that should man
disparages the washing of the hands
which is a Rabbinic Mitzvah.
If he disparages, his fate is to be uprooted from the world.
This is most severe, it is not written that about
desecration of the Shabbath one is uprooted from the world.
Uprooted from the world. For what?
Disparaging the washing of the hands.
You wash your hands,
although, here at the bottom, the water has not reached.
You are not careful.
Your pour,
not looking that it should reach also to here.
So it's not correct,
not fitting.
One therefore needs to rub his hands after to ensure water reaches every place.
This is called disparagement.
What is so difficult for you to turn your hand a little
that the water should reach every place.
It is simply derision.
Such an easy function (to do)
yet you're flippant and there's so much blessing in it.
A lot of water, a lot of wealth.
Will not be poor and many other great things.
A person fulfills the mitzvah but with flippancy.
Since he is not meticulous to fulfill perfectly.
So for this, his fate is to be uprooted from the world.
So if we do not fulfill a biblical mitzvah perfectly.
How can there be pleasure to the Almighty.
There is an exact order from G-d
Do it perfectly.
Do not add or diminish.
Be complete.
A person that trusts in HASHEM
he has no worries,
there is HASHEM
If you walk with HASHEM you have assistance from Heaven.
If you don't walk with G-d,
you don't have Devine assistance.
If you have Devine assistance,
So what's the dilemma?
G-d created the world in a moment.
The entire world.
So what's the difficulty that HASHEM should help you to do all that you wish.
The most grandiose idea that you come up with,
can be accomplished within a moment,
A person that learns mussar (ethics) today, Learns mussar and transcends
such a person, does so for the sake of Heaven
most definitely!
Since he has no honour from this,
no one gives him honour for this.
It is unlike someone who
said that this month he earned 30,000 NIS,
did this and that,
so people (impressed) say, wow!
thus begin clinging to him,
Hello, come let's celebrate.
No one (really) honours,
nobody gives him approval,
nobody takes interest from the vicinity
nobody is envious of spiritual posts,
particularly if this person serves HASHEM hidden away.
Striving to rectify his character traits.
Such a person most certainly, serves HASHEM for the sake of Heaven.
A returnee to Judaism
who beforehand did not know
and did not believe
but decided to change paths
to leave everything behind
turning a new page
from the beginning
this is the attribute that HASHEM favours.
Though he has to stand by this recognition
further, to the end.
Not to begin as a strong returnee to Judaism,
then to reverse becoming religious.
A person who is searching constantly for ways
how will he add more, strength, and reinforcement
and does not contend with <i>'the strength of leniency is preferable.'</i>
Also, <i>"a doubt contingent upon another doubt is permissive"</i> and <i>"after the facts."</i>
A person like this can find favour in the eyes of HASHEM.
From here we see that it is necessary to cleave to an elite group
that aspires to much,
that is very meticulous.
That does everything possible to be attached to HASHEM.
There is a community like this, that I know of, known as the Paz Community.
There, one is meticulous to the finest points.
We don't forsake anything that is not exacting.
Praiseworthy is he who merits being connected to such a place.
Certainly, afterward at the end of days and for the world to come
he will be with the exalted and lofty of mankind.
Where are you positioned?
Where is your head facing!
Where are your aspirations? This indicates who you are.
How much are you worth?
One merely observes you, where you're gazing.
Your worth is apparent.
No need to ask you anything.
It is evident that you're not worth anything!
A person does not feel and sense
that he is heading toward the hell of hells with his deeds.
Yet he knows this!
He may even cry (remorsefully) thereafter.
However, the moment the evil inclination controls him
and his passion overpowers him
he does'nt have the strength to cope.
One needs to rectify his traits,
it is not enough to learn alone.
Even in a most well known Yeshiva.
this does not spell anything at all.
Torah does not indicate anything.
If one has no <i>'Fear of G-d'</i>
The Torah has no value.
<i>'Fear of G-d that is His treasure.'</i>
If not, it is not worth anything.
If you don't have a treasure
that is called <i>'Fear of G-d.'</i>
All your Torah will not help you and you are destined to go to Hell.
Who said this?
The Vilna Gaon for instance. In (the book) The Whole Stone he says:
If a person comes to the world and has not rectified his traits,
Not just one trait.
What is the point to his life?
Why is he alive? It's a shame that you came.
It would have been better that your placenta would have turned over your face,
thereby not being born.
How is a person not concerned that any moment he can be removed from the world.
Look how many people are dying due to the vaccines.
In a second, suddenly they collapse.
Football players around the world,
suddenly drop off.
What happened? They took a vaccination, a few days ago.
So, it could be that any moment, you're liable to depart.
After all, you are currently in the corridor.
Yet you need to reach the lounge.
Who informed you when you will be taken.
Now is your time.
When Massiah arrives,
there will no longer be free will,
no longer an evil inclination.
You will not be able to receive reward.
The situation will be hopeless.
Whoever you were, that's how you'll stay.
Now is the time to accumulate reward.
Now is the time to withstand trials.
TZFAT 29 JUNE 2021
Moshe our teacher
ascends to Heaven fasting for 40 days and 40 nights,
in order to learn the Torah.
He learns on the first day,
examines what he remembers, although remembers nothing.
The second day,
learns, learns and learns,
does'nt remember a thing.
40 days he learns by G-d
he learns
in the end,
remembers nothing.
What is written; that G-d gave him the Torah as a gift.
It's not clear, the Almighty
knows to begin with that he (Moshe) will not remember anything.
Why should he go through distress fasting for 40 days,
without food and without drink.
Learns, yet does'nt remember,
learns, does'nt remember,
learns, does'nt remember.
What for?
40 days. What for?
Do you know what the Yerushalmi says?
In order to draw close the senseless (to Judaism).
What does this mean?
There are certain people, that are senseless.
They understand that they are foolish.
How do they know the're foolish?
He says, I learn and learn and don't remember?
Learn and learn and don't remember.
I learn, without understanding.
I learn, but don't understand
I learn but don't remember. I don't remember, don't understand.
"Stupid! I am stupid!"
"The Torah is not for me!"
He is told, "Fool, stop!"
"Come, come back, come back."
Moshe, our teacher was smarter than you?
Who taught him?
The best teacher in the world, G-d taught him.
He (G-d) tought him, how could he not understand?
At the end of the day, did he remember or not?
He did'nt remember.
40 days!
Do you know why G-d willed him not to remember for 40 days?
So that you simpleton, should not think of yourself as stupid.
Return and toil.
However much you toil, I shall give to you in the end as a gift.
Thus said our Sages of blessed memory:
You exerted yourself
but did not find,
don't believe it.
There is no such thing.
If one put's in the effort,
one finds!
Although, within the scope of a discovery.
Within the scope of a discovery.
Not that if you learn, you will for sure know. No!
I request from you the effort.
Are you prepared to make the effort to bring what I have requested?
I shall decide when to give to you
a present.
One within a month.
Another, after 5 years.
Another, after 28 years.
However, all will be geniuses.
There is not one, who cannot be like Moshe, our teacher.
Who ruled this?
The Rambam.
Every person can incline himself
becoming like Moshe, our teacher.
Tzaddik like Moshe Rabbeinu.
Or wicked like Yeravam ben Nevat.
Each and every person!
Since you were created in the image of G-d.
If one translates potential into an actual due to intense preparation through the Torah
whatever HASHEM commanded,
that's how you can develop.
Thus says the Holy Or Hachaim:
On the verse: <i>"When any of you presents an offering..."</i>
It is written that the most choicest offering
before HASHEM
that HE extremely desires it
is that of bringing the criminals back to HIM.
To return them back to Judaism.
To which people?
Says the Holy Or Hachayim: to those who said to G-d
<i>"Depart from us;"</i>
<i>"for we desire not the knowledge of Your ways!"</i>
We don't want to know of You. We don't desire to hear from you.
These are the ones HASHEM wishes, desires that they are brought back.
This being the choicest offering.
HASHEM has mercy on a person who has descended to the level of being dead-like.
Who is no longer qualified to pay attention to his deeds.
Yet the Creator is longing
for this person's repentance
as well as the ignorant men,
those HASHEM found a path
to bring upon them tribulations.
These, since they are thickheaded
and with wisdom one cannot speak to them
therefore the sufferings know how to speak to them extremely well.
Though, this is G-d's compassion in order to awaken them.
What will be waiting for them, should they not return in teshuvah
it's 1,000 times infinitely worse.
The Almighty, as they say, stimulates them with sufferings.
All this, is in order to awaken them from their hibernation
where they are currently.
To awaken them to return from their evil ways.
However, the Almighty says, even if I should bring about tribulations,
it's not that I wish to bring this about
I have nothing with what to awaken you with
We explain to you, speak to you, we bring evidence, proof.
You are not interested in listening
nothing left but blows.
If blows will proceed..
there are those, that even this will not help.
This will also not help.
What can be done.
This is stubborness,
There will be no apology for anyone
Why did you not repent?
No excuse
will be acceptable.
You were given a mouth?
A heart, you had?
Did you have tools?
Even a thought of repentance helps.
Meaning, if a person had a thought of repentance (regret)
dying a moment later.
Helps him in reaching Paradise.
So who can say, I could not have done this.
Even if you are laying down in bed
you have one moment left to reflect,
and you did this,
you merited.
Who will be able to excuse himself saying, I could not.
A person will arrive, he thinks he can give all kinds of reasons and excuses.
At the end of the day, did you override MY instruction?
That's all.
What is an error?
What's an error?
Oh, I made a mistake.
What does it mean, I made a mistake?
If you would take notice
you would'nt have erred.
Oh, I forgot.
Why did you forget?
It did not matter to you.
You are not so responsible.
Oh, I forgot.
Can you inform the airplane
that you are arriving late
Oy, oy, I missed the this and that.
What do you think they will turn the plane back
in order to pick you up
because you missed it, forgot about it and such nonesense
All of the stories and excuses will not help.
G-d gave you the ability to see with your eyes.
Does it suffice to love him if only for this?
If you would G-d forbid go blind,
though your sight would be returned to you.
Would you love (appreciate) the Dr., the professor
that operated on you, or not?
HE gave you ears.
Did you hear what I had said?
Is He deserving that HE should be loved?
A person by way of repentance,
merits the greatest thing a person can wish for, that HASHEM loves him.
Loves him! What do you need more than this?
If HASHEM loves you
What else is needed?
The peak of peaks, there's no more than this.
How much, how much can a sin be sweet.
For a few moments.
And after that what?
Bitterness and stillness of mind to the world to come.
Is it worth it?
For instance, a person is told,
here's the finest, tastiest chocolate in the world.
after you have eaten it
within 6 months, you will die
It has poison in it.
A transgression is poison.
It is eternal poison.
It's sweet!
Nothing sweeter than this (sin).
Nothing like this sin.
Nothing like it in the world.
However, within the sin, exists already the poison.
The killer drug.
You are losing the world to come. Is it worth it?
One has to be a fool.
Should always think of the transgressions he has committed
so they are in front of him always.
As King David said (Psalms 51:5):
<i>"for I recognize my transgressions,"</i>
<i>"and am ever conscious of my sin."</i>
He should think to himself
against whom did I rebel?
From the Heavens!
Creator of the world, created all of the worlds,
but you, who are you anyway?
Yet you rebel against the Creator of the world.
Whilst you are destined to reach Him.
Though you not fearful correct? Not afraid.
Will think for himself, of the One who he rebelled against.
Regret his transgressions.
Should not repeat them.
Should request for them a pardon,
for all the days of his life.
Which is why we say the "vidui" (confession) prayer every day.
So that the Almighty accepts him,
and will pardon him for all his sins.
The penitent needs to know
the condemnation of deeds
and the disgrace
in a clear manner.
Since if he has a doubt regarding them
that it's not sooooo (severe).
It is impossible for him to have complete remorse,
should he not understand the abasement and disgrace.
Therefore, one should know that if he does not repent sincerely
from his sins before the Creator, blessed be He
not confessing them
G-d will repay him for his evil deeds.
Very simply, there is no other choice.
If a man died being wicked
that had not repented
The Almighty says to him: <i>"A curse upon you!"</i>
How many times did I call for you
so you should repent yet you did'nt.
Moreover, the Almighty swears
to accept the returnees
Says the Profit: <i>'Say to them'</i>
<i>"As I live - declares the L-rd G-D, it is not My desire that the wicked shall die,"</i>
HE swears.
<i>"It is not My desire that the wicked shall die,"</i>
<i>"rather that the wicked turn from their evil ways and live."</i>
Meaning, the Almighty is pleading
Says to us
My children
even though you are children that sin,
rebellious children
children that commit transgressions
severe and formidable.
I swear to you that I want you close to Me.
I wish to do you good
with both worlds.
Who can oppose this, saying to HASHEM,
Not interested.
One has to be
and sealed.
After all, a flesh and blood King,
if a person errs by him,
he hangs him by the City Square.
Yet here, the Almighty requests,
but people procrastinate.
Every person has angels escorting him
they record his deeds, daily.
Everything is envisaged before HASHEM and all is signed.
It's written: <i>"Is as a sign on every man's hand. That all men may know His doings."</i>
Everyone that goes to sleep, his soul ascends,
signing in approval for each deed of that day!
When he arrives
he will be unable to deny what's been signed.
A person has the opportunity
at every given moment
to repent and be pure like a new born baby.
To eraze everything.
A person owes the bank millions.
They tell him that there's another chance.
Come and just regret, say over all..
your overdraft that you used,
not according to law.
Also, obligate yourself that from now on
you will act properly, not repeating it again.
We will thus eraze all your debt.
Who will not do this?
Who will delay one more week.
Perhaps the manager suggesting this, will die.
May be he will change his mind.
Perhaps the Bank of Israel will not give him permission.
So long as he offered, grab hold of it immediately!
How do people not repent immediately?
Even those who hear me right now.
Who will be prepared to do teshuvah?
That's it, never again will he return
to any sin that he did previously.
Will fulfill all commandments
but immediately!
That one, has to think it over, to check
if I can keep to it, may be not now, may be in a moment, may be ...
At once, pop up within him all kinds of
nonsense of the evil inclination,
primarily to miss out on the moment
and that's how he will stick with him thereafter.
A person should not deceive himself
that he trusts (in HASHEM)
suspending everything unto the Creator.
It's like someone saying: Why are you transgressing?
What? It's the evil inclination!
Nonetheless, you need to overcome him.
No but G-d created him!
If G-d created him, sent him to me,
I am therefore supposed to sin.
Is this a reason?
HASHEM created everything!
So what if He Created?
So, can you do what you like saying it's HIM
HE gave rules
He said, I want you to trust me, 100%
He who trusts in G-d
shall be surrounded with kindness.
From 360 degrees, I shall give to you all that you require.
From 360 degrees!
Blessed is he who trusts in G-d
Cursed is he
who makes the flesh of his arm his strength.
Whoever trusts in the might of his arm,
He is accursed!
Therefore, a person needs to strengthen himself
to trust wholeheartedly.
Yet, today a person lives in deceit
as though he believes.
Yet this is the: <i>"Insolence will prosper."</i>
How can you say that you believe when you really don't believe.
A person says
I relied on you, I trusted you, you tricked me
this and that..
Just one moment, do you believe or don't you believe?
If you believe?
Then he who deceived you,
it's not him that tricked you.
The Almighty did not want him to be giving to you.
So it appears as though he deceived you.
Although, if HASHEM wanted him to give to you,
he would have been coerced into giving you,
even if he did'nt want to.
There's no person that can harm you,
there's no person that can benefit you,
there is no person that can protect you.
There is no person that can do anything
without the Almighty's decree.
The decree
So all endeavour will not help.
What endeavour can you do?
To convince the Almighty to remove the decree!
If you convince the Almighty to remove the decree.
He placed it, he can remove it.
<i>"I wounded,"</i>
<i>"and I shall heal"</i>
<i>"None can deliver from My hand."</i>
No one can rescue you.
<i>"I deal death and give life"</i>
<i>"Only I!"</i>
Therefore, if a person knows where to place his efforts,
he can receive whatever he wishes.
Although, if he makes the effort with people, trusting them,
referring to himself as trusting in G-d,
HASHEM says,
if you don't believe in me but trust him, then please get along.
Decide, either you trust Me, or him!
That's most perelious,
that's most perelious.
To undermine one of the principles of faith.
A person who undermines one of the principles of faith,
why so?
He wishes to transgress but knows it to be forbidden,
so he begins doubting.
Who said? May be it's not like so?
Perhaps it's just an exaggeration
Maybe they wish us to be good people but it's not really as it appears.
Perhaps HASHEM is not so meticulous to such an extent.
Who says so? how is it ... He begins to
speculate in thought
in order to permit himself
the transgressions.
As our Sages z'l said regarding the generation of the golden calf
the generation of the wilderness.
They said, the reason for the golden calf was to permit themselves, immorality.
The RAMBAM says, whoever overrides one of the principles of faith
he denies everything and has no share in the world to come.
It is worthwhile learning this, in-depth.
<i>"I believe with perfect faith in the 13 principles of the holy Torah."</i>
The First: That the Almighty exists and supervises.
This has to be without doubt.
He also supervises on each and every one at every given moment.
He (G-d) is ONE.
One Alone, One and Unique.
G-d does not have a body. Physical concepts do not apply to Him.
G-d is first and last.
One may not pray to anyone or anything else,
which includes mankind.
People must not be flattered.
He knows the thoughts of mankind.
Not everyone remembers this.
The Prophecy of Moses is absolutely true.
That he Moses is the chief of all Prophets.
That the Torah is G-d given from Heaven.
The Torah will not change at any time,
unlike Reform and others who say that leniency is required now,
since the generation is so so.
The Almighty punishes the wicked,
paying a good reward to the righteous.
No person will escape this.
That the Massiah needs to come,
that the dead are destined to live. (Resurrection)
is someone who does not contribute to himself any virtue.
No wisdom,
Not possessions,
not money,
not triumphs.
All is from the Almighty
in kindness and with generosity.
Though, I still don't do one iota
in comparison to one I owe Him.
For example,
for every single breath I need to thank Him.
This I most certainly don't do.
Therefore, how can I say
that I live in my own right.
Block your nostrils
for 3 minutes,
to test if you can continue living.
If you live by your own right
so let's see
without a breath, let's see you live.
Who gives you your breath (soul)?
The Creator.
if we don't feel like this, we are arrogant people.
Then we marvel, I pray to HASHEM yet He does not answer me.
I pray, but he does'nt answer.
Why should He answer you? If you are prideful.
He abhors you.
You must run away from this pride.
Jealousy, desire and pride (honour)
remove a person from the world.
You must get rid of this.
If you don't learn
to work on the trait of humility.
In order to become humble,
says the Rambam,
one needs to go to the extreme end
to be of a lowly spirit, really, truly and literally.
Then over time,
come back to a midpoint
you'll then reach humility.
However, if you don't do so.
You will stay a prideful person.
The Mishnayot explains
of the Mishna
Rabbi Levitas
a Man of Yavne says:
<i>"Be exceedingly humble of spirit"</i>
<i>"before all men"</i>
<i>"for the end of man is the worm."</i>
A person needs to feel
of lowly spirit
how much?
exceedingly so.
What's your hope?
That worms will eat you up.
That's your end, that's your prospect.
With the exception of the completely righteous.
So please, about what do you pride yourself on?
Constantly standing in front of the mirror.
Like a peacock, setting straight, this and that.
As though...
Picture, picture to yourself worms, picture, picture worms.
<i>'For the hope of man is the worm.'</i>
<i>"The heart alone knows it's bitterness."</i>
You know that you're wicked
So you don't wish to look into the book
that will reveal to you your wickedness.
Although, if you know you are righteous
on the contrary, you love mussar (ethics),
since mussar reveals that you are indeed righteous,
conducting yourself according to what's written.
<i>"One should always incite his good inclination against his evil inclination."</i>
Don't wait for the negative inclination to enter!
You should awaken the good inclination
to fight with the evil inclination.
Distancing him from you!
A person who repents,
it's not easy to subdue the evil.
After all, till he decided to repent
the evil made him slump.
How can it be that suddenly he is able to conquer his traits,
altering everything.
Thus withdrawing from the forbidden
sanctifying onself
learning Torah
How can it be?
Says Rabbeinu Yonah:
The Almighty assists returnees,
what their natural hand does not achieve.
According to nature,
it is impossible.
However, G-d guides them by way of miracles, above nature.
They thus succeed in coping and completing their Teshuva (return).
There is no free man, other than a person who is busy with Torah.
A person that is not busy with Torah
is deprived of his liberty.
Thus you can see the current situation
where you are not permitted to go out,
isolation (quaranteen)
they place upon you a strap like a criminal.
All these things are coming back.
Once again, masks
once again, injections
once again, green card
all these things are intended to negate your liberty.
Since you are not busy with Torah sincerely.
You can disregard, whistle
although a time will come
the harmful agents will surround you
friends, you will begin paying, one on one
with additional interest and linkage.
There is no such thing as evading the truth.
is he who closes his eyes to determine
his real situation.
Whoever sincerely busies himself with Torah
he is a free man.
G-d promises him freedom on the tablets (of covenant)
Not <i>"engraved (on stone)"</i> but rather freedom
CLARIFICATION: The excerpts in this video are for visualization purposes only!
No one featured in this video has direct or indirect connection with the subject in question
I was in Florida, 20 years ago
I arrived there and was informed
that there was
a boy
that travelled on a boat
fell overboard
and the boat
cut him into pieces
and the motor
slashed him
whereby he had to have 3,000 stitches.
His intestines came out, they leaked out
They gathered him up from the sea inside a blanket
enclosing everything with his intestines
they escorted him,
dead! To the hospital.
There they fastened him
a berth where his body laid.
They tried to revive him
doing all they can.
I arrived at a time, where he was defined
as deceased.
Not completely dead. There was still something there
that gave hope, although, deceased.
They asked me to arrive in order to see what can be done.
I was already in the area.
They did not permit the Parents to enter to see him.
They are most strict there.
Although, respectful of Rabbis.
They agreed that I should enter,
they dressed me in a white coat.
I stepped inside. There stood there Dr. Gentile.
I entered with another two (people)
We said "Pitum Haktoret" around the patient.
I approached him, saying:
I asked, if he knew Hebrew
they replied that he did.
I requested from him
<i>"If you hear me,"</i>
<i>"even though you cannot respond"</i>
<i>"Repeat even in thought about what I am saying."</i>
I then said with him, Shema Yisrael.
I said to him, if you can move your lips
your eye lids
whatever you can to give me an indication
that you can hear me
if it's difficult, then don't. If you can, then do.
I am speaking with one who from their perspective, is dead.
I said, Shema
no response
suddenly his lips
began to do such
to move
you should know, they were all
with congealed blood
his whole self, cut up
yet he made effort,
you could see how his lips are taking pains to say
an utterance
I noticed that he moved,
ok, I said to him, don't say a thing.
Just think for a moment about what I have said
thus saying with him Shema Yisrael
I had said to him that from the moment I leave you
all the time, try to think of
Hear O Yisrae! HASHEM is our G-d, HASHEM alone.
with HASHEM's help
you should merit reaching
bar mitzvah
healthy and well.
They called me after 3 months
He left hospital
healthy and well
Today, he is approximately
He was 9 years of age, 8 approximately
approximately 28 today.
Well and healthy.
His father was a football player.
When I left, I said: Do you wish your son to live?
Now it is up to you.
As far as I am concerned, I did what I could.
The doctor was shocked when he saw him move.
He (the Father) did not believe me that the boy moved.
However, you should accept upon yourself not to play on Shabbath.
It's difficult for me. Do you wish him to come out of here alive?
He accepted
thank G-d
He is alive.
Therefore, there are instances that it is possible sometimes
it is a kindness of HASHEM
although, we must also do something.
Hear, O Yisrael! HASHEM is our G-d, HASHEM alone.
We live in a state of routine.
Flowing along, life flows along.
We are accustomed for years to the same behaviour, same conduct NAHARIA
We are neither renewing nor contemplating,
not internalizing
yet we see tragic events,
such as this and others.
Families being whipped off this earth
All kinds of incidents and calamities
that a person should be moved by
to change and understand
that the hand of HASHEM is in this.
A person does not know his time
Every day that you merit filling the day with spiritual content
you've earned a great profit, your affluence is unparalleled.
Every day that you had not taken advantage
you are dead and committing suicide.
Since you were given life and you lost it.
There is no greater loss
as the loss of time!
If a person looses time
he has lost his life.
If you place in front of you a sand timer
sand timer of your life watching every moment being taken away from your life.
You would panic,
running to synagogues, houses of learning to accumulate mitzvahs because it will soon be over.
It will soon be over.
If you were to see this with your eyes
how the sand of life is ending,
your behaviour would be different.
Though you don't see this, you think you will live for thousands of generations.
You still have plans etc.
Gentlemen, you have the opportunity in this world alone
to request for serious things
thus meriting with them life in the world to come.
As whatever you leave with
it is only with the spiritual deeds you had accomplished
in your lifetime.
With the material
you will not exit with anything at all.
You won't take a thing.
Do you know how many died today?
Many people.
Did they know?
Not all of them.
They covered them in shrouds.
Filled them, enclosed and good bye.
Where did the 70, 80, 90 years go to?
Disappeared, evaporated.
The man is gone, no one to speak with anymore.
One can mention him here and there, if there's what to say.
A good example or a negative one.
Though, what did he leave with?
Only with what he prepared.
What did he prepare?
Torah and mitzvoths. If he has some, he is praiseworthy.
He has none, he is a loss!
The Almighty will ask him,
My son, I gave you 70 years,
what did you do? Come tell me, come.
What did you do?
What will he say?
Tell me, did you learn?
Where did I have time, where did I have ...
You did'nt have time?
How did he have time?
Why did he withdraw from everything and went to learn my Torah, that I said
<i>"Let not this Book of the Teaching cease from your lips, recite it day and night."</i>
<i>Why did you go to work all day long so that you should have food?</i>
<i>What you did'nt notice that I gave food to the cockroaches, ants, flies and bees,</i>
I fed them all.
What did you think, that I would'nt sustain you?
What did you really think that by going to work you bring the food.
When you were sick, who brought the food?
Who gave health?
Who gave salvation?
Who gave you life?
Who charged your battery at night so you would have strength in the morning?
You plugged yourself to the charger?
From where do you obtain your strength?
What did you forget!
You took no notice?
Eyes, it is clear to you that they will be.
Ears, it is clear to you that they are there.
A nose, to smell, of course.
Lips to speak, non stop.
You only worried about a sandwich that I would not provide, a sandwich!
That's it!
Dearest Jew, dearest Jewess
Presented to you is a taste of our holy Torah.
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Maimonides's ruling is known, may his merit protect us.
The Torah long since assured us that in the end, at the close of the period of exile Yisrael will turn to repentance and be momentarily redeemed.