פגישה היסטורית בין הרב אמנון יצחק שליט"א לבין ראש ממשלת אנטבה
תאריך פרסום: 02.10.2013, שעה: 16:27
- - - לא מוגה! - - -
that you can buy and see all the there are also in Hebrew in Spanish in English in Russian Italian many languages until now there were distributed 14 million cities and cassetts and go that's right hi hello mayor of he's in Israel he's a very strong friend of Israel and they have relations with ashon cities he likes very much Israel in is like an ambassador of all the Israeli Goodwill he helps Israel he likes Israel he's Christian but he keep on TR they keep shers yeah and they they eat they they don't eat pork not one of the most important rabis in Israel and the leader of the movement of kar coming back to the roots many people in Israel admired admir him and likes him very very much and uh his bless can give you a lot of good life health and success in life yes I'm happy to be here I've met David for the last 15 years he's now my brother he he knows my house he knows my family and I've been to Israel uh since 19 I think the first year was about 10 15 years ago we came and uh we have the sister city with Ash Ash so I have been coming to ashon to exchange the mayors of ashon and may of um and me and others have always had to as this time I came to Jerusalem where we had sister city conference for all local authorities and uh we had the opportunity to share meet other Mayors from 42 countries and uh the meeting ended yesterday and uh I decided to meet my brother here and uh you also gave me the opportunity to come and meet you I want to thank you for accepting to meet you here and this is my first time he has told me great things about you and I'm honored to be here and I think it's a blessing to me that have met you and uh I've always come to good blessing thank you very much I have a question how how you get to keep on shabat in the Christian okay for us as Advent 7 Adventist members we believe in the Old Testament and the New Testament so we meet we made we discussed both and uh the Sabato is among the Ten Commandments so we still observe the Ten Commandments holy fully we don't take away any all of them we still regard them we still don't eat certain things like fish without GS we don't the also fish yeah everything as Moses gave it we will keep it that way so where where is the roots of this kind of Christians where is The Roots what is the source of this belief the source of the belief I think for us we didn't change from the old Jewish what because you know when we believed in the Ten Commandments we contined keeping those Ten Commandments and we didn't we didn't change the only difference probably as Christian that we believe in Jesus Christ Christ but otherwise we believe and recognize the whole Old Testament as and we observe it as it is so we don't change anything there you don't believe in Jesus no we believe in Jesus Jesus believe in Jesus yeah we believe in Jesus and also Mo and Moses and Moses yeah Moses uh carries the ten commandments so we believe the Comm Commandments and the Sabato is in the Ten Commandments what we should eat and what we should not eat is also in Leviticus telling us this is what you shall eat and this is what you should not eat that's why we don't take pork we don't take alcohol we don't take things things here so that's how our region is all over the world some people from Asha and the China and Japan said that he had roots of the Judaism they keep tiis you know tial you see we go with TI and and they this on the door and some and they said they have the the roots from the 10 commandments no no tribes 10es AB there were 12 tribes and 10 tribes were expelled and aband lost tribes that's right only two tribes were and maybe they mixed all over the world and they got the roots of the Judaism and because of that they have some some of that it's stay remain some some symbols of Judaism because when they were expelled from Israel 2,000 years ago maybe they took something with them then they mixture mixed with another people and another tribes so maybe you take with you something Jewish yes maybe you are jewice so maybe the source of of your Commandments something Jewish that you exactly maybe one of your big Grand grandparents is Jewish that were was expelled from Israel maybe yes all over the world all over the world because yeah I remember at one time Uganda some of the Jews were going to be brought to Uganda yes that was he said his idea that you can be the may may the mayor of NE in Uganda this is city is called so you can in Next Generation another world next another life maybe you can be the mayor of neach the religious City in I see thing you know that herel the the person who was like the prophet for the secular Jews 100 years ago said that maybe he had an idea that all the Jews will live in Uganda that is that was a good solution according to this his ideas to solve all the Jewish problems in the world so what do you think as the mayor of of what do you think if his plan was accepted and most of the Jews were living now in Uganda what what was the situation now in of course uh one the technology they have here would have changed absolutely that is true and of course kind wouldn't be the way it is because when you look at the desert here because I was yesterday looking at certain places and I saw the way youate the irrigation which made the desert and you know we had to visit the museum in Jerusalem yes so we saw all the steps from developed and how the persecutions was and then from nowhere if you see the developments the culture development is amazing how the culture has changed that we can get some of the things here course for us in Uganda we have rain all the through we don't have to irrigate things we throw there and Maze comes beans comes and yours is just to wa but you see still we don't have enough but uh for you who don't have the water at least for agriculture in the desert you have turned what you have and that means there is a blessing here yes that's one thing we know and we know that uh the Lord blessed you and you blessing to all of us I think that is very important toight and when you see how you have survived all the way from nothing from nowhere to where you are now something to for maybe an outsider can see better than somebody that lives here and can't see the truth but you know the history has it history has it you you need to look at your history philosopher said once that the proof that there is God and that God exists is the Jewish people why for 3,000 years they against all the odds and they exist exactly that is that one goes without say because the way the history has come and how the Lord has at one one time somebody thought the Jewish would be totally finished but then somehow God made his way and then they are still strong and world over and everybody talk about Israel every day all over the world exactly exactly exactly exactly 40% from the news yes and all over the world so I think there is God's hand that one is very important there's got his hand and uh that's why we remain strong all the time when I know talking about the existing of the Jewish people and we told you way to you about Pim about EST the king EST yes and all the story so was very interesting it's not it's not it's not the it's not logical it's not logical that we exist because of this story Theos he was the king of H preure and he have a good wife a beautiful wife he get he get no no before oh he he have MH he he was mad for some minutes he said to bring her without clothes before everybody she said crazy you're crazy yes he said if you don't come I'll kill you and he kill her and after that he reach about woman all over the world 127 countries he was controlling controlling a beautiful woman all over the world but he get at the least at the last at the last Esther at the end she was 76 years old 76 it is not written in and she was not Beauty she waset vegetarian huh vegetarian vegetarian but 76 years but yes but the God have her aen Charming Charming Charming Charming she was Charming very very beautiful not beautiful only you know some person it's not Beauty but you look at him you it's nice to see him but she's 76 this is one of the Miracles the first miracle on this story and the person who go who tell the who tell the to do this with his wife is was hon honon and hon he tell the to kill all the Jewish but he he he caused caused that Esther become a queen without knowing without knowing without knowing he prepared the way for that the Jewish yes and some time was m c yes M he he listen he listen he listen the two people of the of the Asos talk to kill AOS and they go to AOS and tell him you know those people want to kill you okay so they kill these two people and he write in his book that morai told him this matter one of days after Hamman convinced ER to kill all all the Jewish one night he can't sleep so he get up open his book when it's open morai save the king so he come tomorrow and hon is becoming to the palace and he said to him tell me H what we will do with the what should I do with the person who saved my life he said you have to bring him a horse of the kingdom and you have to bring him they he's he think he's talking about himself yes so he tell him okay take morai you take morai all over the streets and go and take the horse and go before him and say said this is what the king do for the who save him exactly and it was shy shy C and this he he build build a tree 30 m to hang morai hon and Esther knows what homon said the yeah the and she said to she said to she she made the Fest Fest Fest Fest and she bring and in this face she told him this is yes yes yes this is the bad man in your country he wants to kill us and he said what so he he got upstair went outside outside and he was angry and we be when he become he saw hon on his knees grabbing grabbing grabbing and begging and begging to to to don't do him hard and he became what you you want to take also my wife I kill you and this the tree the tree that he prepared to M he and 10 Sons Sons put on the on the tree so if if something I don't tell you all the story but if something of this H details don't be done exactly in the minute that it the timing the timing it's not we don't hear no because if you don't go get up on the night and open the exactly and you know everything everything things yes this is the story of all Israel 3,000 year and and 300 and 30 uh years all over the history it's like this these details one another including Hitler what do you think about the operation who was who rescued the Israelis there yeah the Israeli Army God who I think when you look at the whole thing it was not a man's work it was God's plan because as you see a brother of n as he was getting out was shot yes if it was not God's Providence the entire plane would be shot because there was that possibility but how God saved the rest of the people and how the I think the death of nany's brother is an indication that this was God's hand because if it was man's hand even n would have come but because it was God's hand you can see he wanted to save the rest but this one worked as a symbol that it me who has this for you that's how I I consider it myself because so that's how I I think it was not man's effort it was God's intervention because you can see how many W people can fight and fail but the war you know we also know of where people just sang the song and the wall fell down you know about that one you read that one told them just sing and you remember when the Egyptians were also following the children of Israel from the from the bondage and they reached a river and the water went when they crossed all those things are God is and when these people came they they perished in the water so you think that the operation is a continuing of God the helping of God to Israel population without any doubt without any doubt 12 12 12 Trails had his own trail in the water that's so I think it's God is Providence really uh so many things and where he has not provided you can see how things happens but there is no doubt that the table operation was very very brave in any any term and all time all times but now you see from INE you see the same Israeli Army loses sometimes to maybe and sometimes to the Palestinians and very primitive missiles hit ashon and the road and what you think about this gaps between Israeli Army and Israel the Israeli Army and Israel no no what's make the change what makes the change um I don't want to say what makes the change because God's ways are different you know there is a time when God told the israels that when you do good things I will save you if you give away I will also leave you and when you come back to me I will save you yes so that is God's now judgment because for God everything has a reason and I want to leave it at that I want to leave it at that that's what I believe but I think what is required are people to go back to the roots to think seriously what does God want them to do and then they become partners and Friends of God he will make the way for them everywhere like he has been to you that's how I think very nice very nice Mr M I thought that we have to ask bless from the rabbi but first of all maybe you have to bless us after hearing you now you should bless us yeah but I also need is a blessing okay Mom what is the most uh Strong Bless that you want your public do you succeed to help your public yeah I would love God to help me to be a leader who who can be an example M to others so that people can see me and they said that good in that one that is the blessing I want 100% you success thank you you know I went at the first my way to retain to the roots I was secular and I became to be a religious Rel Orthodox yes I go to one of the biggest of rabbis in Israel the Babas Sali and I told him I want to bring all Israel B to bring them to the vs this is my wish and the bless me amen amen amen and it exists and they bring hundreds of thousands of peoples to the roots this is the same thing you want to do with your example to the other that's right but you can also to make activities activities to get them to be faith on the faith faith okay Fai it's not only the example it's it's one of the the personal example is very important some some some activities you have to do also to bring activities to to recogniz yes in God that's true that's very important that's very important Mr me makes very good examples like for instance he some some woman a woman thrown a baby 6 hours after birth in the road abon yes abandoned baby so he took the baby and he adopted her and now she is one here yeah and half and half six month she's called Gia okay so she he had three children off his own and another one is adapted because he has a good heart and he didn't want it to to to die he was it she was found in your place my my beach oh okay he had he has his own private beach so because of the fact that the the the baby was uh thrown there and she was found there he took her because like it's like like Moses like Moses exactly exactly story maybe the this baby will be never somebody Never So for me I think I'm a custodian for God this baby know he takes care of the baby you want what what you do in the day to be contact with God we learn in books we make activities all the time we have three time to pray you have any time that you talk with God you you think about him you think how to be more you have some sometime in the day I normally doat at 3:00 in the morning when I sleep at around 300 p.m. yes 3 yes when the world is quiet and Silent then I get out of my bed and pray every night every night that you I in three at night go get up and make less listen to the people that's when I pray because I I think uh I I have a time there and everybody is sleeping nothing is disorganizing my mind then I I pray that you have the same pray or you talk with the God no you know today I may have this problem what I talk him about this there is one pray which is in the Bible that Father in heaven and the rest of it but that one is a routine but every day I have issues to talk to God today I was coming I'm say I'm going to this place me tomorrow I pray for my so it keeps on changinging you get up and clothes and everything yeah I wake up with that and then come back to sleep yeah after that I could so you especially to to talk to God about 30 minutes 30 minutes then you go back go back to sleep every every day every day seven nights a week that's how it is that's how it is and wherever I am if I have this change of hours when I travel that's when I have a problem because I'm used to that time now you go to America when it's night it's day home so the I was somehow confused as here you believe in this this uh period of time period of time yeah you believe in this I believe in that time that because it's the time I said to myself that this the time when I can talk to my Lord why because I thought it to be the most appropriate time why because when during the day like now we are moving up went down we are in meetings we are do yes why not in 2:00 why 3:00 well I chose three not for any reason but I found three was most appropriate CU he's alone he alone feel it's more than most appropriate time do you feel there is a good energy in 3 3:00 a good energy in this hour not to be honest with you I didn't have anything different but I just thought that that's you know when I sleep I sleep at around 10 then tired and then by around before I around 2 2:30 then I your sleep goes and then come back to my three was convenient to me in the S day Shabbat what do we do in sabat we don't do anything Sabato is a day we left because saato has a meaning to us one the Lord bless when we recognize Sabato we are remembering the creation that God created us because six days he did all the work and rested on the seventh day so by accepting and remembering sa we are talking about creation that we believe that God created us that's one thing secondly he breasted the day he pressed the day because these other days were not blessed so if I count from because some people say why don't you count from Monday to Monday seven days but this particular day was blessed so he blessed the day Sanctified it and then he himself rested on it that to us makes a difference that we remember that God created the world in six days and seventh days y the creation he made included us so we say we are part of the creatures so by recognizing Sabato we are recognizing that uh he's our creator and God this is testimony secondly he blessed it these other days are not blessed but the Bible says he blessed it thirdly he did not only braed it he also rested so that makes this disp actually it makes it special that it can't be replaced with any other day so there's no doubt no doubt about it so that one we we keep it hurry remember to keep keep saat H because God rested on that day and he blessed it and after seeing that all he did was good he rested it so that one is a special we can't compromise it so you don't go to work but what we go to church to church he used to go to synagogue also during his time when Jesus was here he used to go to synagog so we also go to church and again we believe in Jesus he also kept that day because he could not do things on Sabbath and the time he made it when he was asked you remember why do you do this on Sabbath it means he was keeping Sabbath also Rec organized so we we keep sa and we shall continue keeping it and for us we believe that even in heaven they keep sa yes yes yes and that's the position that's what makes it different is there a trend in the Uganda to come back to the roots as in Israel or the the the best thing with do we may not tell the people to come back but we are telling them to follow the Bible and by following the Bible you definitely find yourself back to the roots because the root is well shown in the Bible so if you follow the Bible you already following the root the footsteps because the root is in the Bible is there so once you follow the Bible I'm confident that you are already in the root the problem is when you change what is in the Bible then you are not because you are then following other Roots I think that's the difference it makes how many in De in Uganda that believe in your faith seven day we about 40,000 40,000 believe in this religion yeah 40,000 40 50,000 how many churches do you have there cuted everywhere have three three I saw in the internet they sent me a movie of one of the church that they are Christians and they said is you know the yeah I know those you heard I've heard of them I haven't going very deep but I've heard something about it but they song all this is It's one of our prayer it's not on the Bible you have that you want to pray I mean you have a copy of that prayer you could have a copy yeah those words if you have a copy to have one cop yes okay I think he can pray for us Stefan what is what is the name of your mother my mother is Gladis Glades Stefan Ben Glades Ben Glades bless you that all your good wishes on the faithing will be come full come come true and uh and uh you will be a good example to your people and uh you will be the president of we will be the president of amen amen amen try can TR come toand yeah we can make has been there yeah I've been in the history is this still the same person in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs thatal with they keep on changing many many other yeah but you know them not yeah I know everybody I know everybody I know everybody maybe honorary Cil for for the religious people in Israel maybe to represent for the religious SE yeah because you have already cons that's right yeah maybe another one is okay another city for another sectors for that status yes we can talk about it and see the possibilities but I'm very happy to be here thank you very much thanks for the time and I think my to has been thank you for the AR you want right in English but in Hebrew well both in English and in English letters can read but the in oh this is the address no no that's the the you can read it that you wanted oh you can read it is okay listen is put it in the words in English listen Isel listen is our God one and the only one one only only do you have yeah maybe have them to thank you thank you very much thank you very much thank you very thank you very another thing you have a lot of faith here yeah just translated to English very good I have a very good time now you find when you come find is byebye thank you thank you here we make the video and the DVD here they sit video Ed editor who makes the video all my movies we get H three lectures a week people all over the world bu I was in France my first lecture in France you know the Fran people don't listen frion people are waiting for the r see how much D enthusias you see him it's only him without music without band without nothing just one person speaking without smoke this is my song all over the world singing this song the Lord we love you the Lord we love you this is the meaning of the word there is separation between women and the men it was created cury by the engineer this story want their police police same only one in feel all the for soccer games for football maybe 1,000 2,000 3,000 come to this T but when he comes there 224 good H let's go lovely that's great thank you very interesting stud here stud building now tell because yes here we do all the DVD in the city all the time and make all the time yes yes alone hello hello okay sir thank you very much thank you very much thank you byebye thank you very much internet www neaar net
כבוד הרב היקר שליט"א שלום וברכה! תודה רבה על שיעורי הבוקר ועל ההרצאות המדהימות כמה חכמה כבודו מלמדנו ב"ה אין מילים להודות! ואני מודה לכבודו שמלמדנו לשיר לכבוד השם יתברך בכל יום "עִבְדוּ אֶת ה' בְּשִׂמְחָה בֹּאוּ לְפָנָיו בִּרְנָנָה" (תהלים ק, ב) כמו שאנחנו מצווים לעשות בכל יום בתפילת שחרית לאחר עקדת יצחק אבינו ע"ה; 'וְחַיָּבִים אֲנַחְנוּ לוֹמַר לְפָנֶיךָ שִׁירָה בְּכָל יוֹם תָּמִיד.' (נשמת כל חי) תודה שכבודו עוזר לנו לקיים את מה שאנחנו מוציאים מהפה בתפילה בכל בוקר! תודה שכבודו מלמדנו להיות אנשי אמת! יה"ר שהשי"ת ישמור ויברך אתכם ויזככם להיות משיח בן יוסף! ככתוב: 'שהוא יכין את העם ויחזיר את העם בתשובה לפני בוא הגאולה!!!!' המשך שבוע נפלא וגדוש בשמחה בכל טובה וברכה עד בלי די! אמן ואמן.
שלום עליכם רבנו, תודה רבה על ההרצאה המדהימה אתמול, (בית דגן - עמלק שבדורנו 09.02.2025 shofar.tv/lectures/1646) וב"ה מצאתי רמז קטן: שהירא שיילחם בלא ירא, זה כבוד הרב שליט"א, יר"א - ראשי תיבות: רבנו אמנון יצחק, שב"ה כבר נלחם ברשעים ובזכותכם יפול עמלק ותבוא גאולה לעם ישראל מהרה ברחמים אמן!
בזכות השיר "עבדו עבדו עבדו" שלום, רציתי לשתף שב"ה בזכות השיר "עִבְדוּ אֶת ה' בְּשִׂמְחָה בֹּאוּ לְפָנָיו בִּרְנָנָה" (תהלים ק, ב) השתחררתי מבית חולים פסיכיאטרי והפסיקו לתת לי זריקות. אם תוכלו לכתוב זאת בספר שאתם מוציאים. תודה רבה ותזכו למצוות! (לסגולת השמחה shofar.tv/articles/15096).
חזק וברוך! ב"ה איזה שיעור בוקר נפלא ומרנין את הלב באמת (ט''ו בשבט 10.02.2025, shofar.tv/videos/17709).
מורינו ורבינו הקדוש! ב"ה אתמול זכיתי-זכיתי-זכיתי להגיע להרצאה ל רבנו בבית דגן, (בית דגן - עמלק שבדורנו 09.02.2025 shofar.tv/lectures/1646) בזכות 'קרן ההסעות' של מזכת הרבים גב' רחל שטה! ב"ה היתה הרצאה מרתקת ומדהימה במיוחד! חורף בריא רבנו היקר ☺️ (אמן). (קרן הסעות 0544823150 לכתבה shofar.tv/articles/14778).
כבוד הרב שבוע מבורך! ב"ה קראתי את זה מספר בשבת… וואו צמרמורות כשקראתי את זה… לעזור ולסייע לצדיק כי כל מה שניתן לנו זה בזכות הצדיק וואו!! 'ניזון בזכותו'!!! יהי רצון שתמיד נזכה כולנו לעזור לסייע לרומם את הצדיק את כבוד הרב לנצח, אמן. [ציטוט מספר 'לאם ולבת בישראל', פרשת השבוע, בשלח עמוד 202 כותרת: צרִיךְ לְהַאֲמִין בְּצַדִיק וּלְסַיַעַ לוֹ כִּי הַכֹּל מַגִיעַ לָנוּ דַּרְכּוֹ וְעַל יָדוֹ כָּתַב רַבִּי לוי יִצְחָק מברדיטשוב זכרוֹנוֹ לִבְרָכָה בְּספרוֹ "קדושת לוי" (דרוש לפסח): 'מִכָּאן יִרְאֶה מַעֲלַת הַצַדִּיק לִפְנֵי הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא, וְשַׁמָּסַר הַעוֹלָם בְּרְשׁוּתוֹ וְשִׁעבד לוֹ לַעֲשׂוֹת כָּל רְצוֹנוֹ. וְהַטַעַם, שֶׁכֵּיוָן שֶׁהעוֹלָם נִבְרָא בְּשְׁבִיל הַצַדִּיק וְכולָּם נִבְרָאוּ לְצוּוֹתוֹ כְּמַאֲמָר חֲכָמֵינוּ זַ"ל (מַסְכֶת בְּרָכוֹת דף ו' עמוד ב), לָכֵן מָסֵר הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא כָּל הָעוֹלָם בְּיָדוֹ וְשָׁיַעַבְדוּ תַּחְתָּיו לְקַיֵּם כָּל מַה שֶׁיִגְזור. וְאִלּוּ הָיוּ יוֹדְעִים הָעַמִּי אֲרָצוֹת בָּזֶה, הָיוּ מְעַטְרִים אֶת הַצַדִּיק בְּכָל יוֹם עֲטָרוֹת זָהָב לוֹ, וְהָיוּ מַסְפִיקִים לוֹ כָּל צָרְכּוֹ, כִּי מִשלוֹ נוֹתְנִים לוֹ. כַּעֲבָדִים הַמְּשַׁמְשִׁים אֶת הַמֶּלֶךְ בַּמִּסִּים וארנונות. נִמְצָא שֶׁהַכֹּל מִשֶׁל הַצַדִּיק וּבִשְׁבִילוֹ נִבְרָא, וְלוֹ נָתַן הַקָּדוֹשׁ בָּרוּךְ הוּא הַכֹּל בְּמַתָּנָה. וְכָל מַה שָׁאוֹכְלִין וְשׁוֹתִין עַמִּי הָאָרֶץ בַּמותָּרִים וְנִפְרָדִים מֵהַצַדִּיק גְזַלָה הוּא בְּיָדָם. שֶׁבִּשְׁבִיל לְשַׁמֵשׁ לַצַדִּיק בְּכָל צוותיו, מַה שָׁאוֹכְלִין אֵינוֹ גָּזֶל אֶצְלָם, לְפִי שֶׁהֵם מְשַׁמְשִׁים וְהֵם כַּעֲבָדִים הַמְּשַׁמְשִׁים אֶת רַבָּם שֶׁאוֹכְלִים וְשׁוֹתִים וְהוּא בְּרְשׁוּת רַבָּם. הֲרֵי לְפָנֶיךָ, דְּאִם הָאָדָם מַאֲמִין דהצדיק הוּא עוֹבֵד אֶת הַשֵּׁם בִּשְׁבִיל כָּל יִשְׂרָאֵל הַנִּצְרָכִים, אִם כֵּן אִם הָיָה זֶה בָּרוּר בְּלִבּוֹ שֶׁל אָדָם, אָז בְּוַוַדַּאי אַף אִם הוּא בְּעַצְמוֹ אֵין יָכוֹל לַעֲבוֹד אֶת הַשֵׁם כָּרָאוּי, עַל כָּל פָּנִים הוּא מְחַבֵּר אֶת עַצְמוֹ לְהַצַדִּיק וְהָיָה מְהַנֵּהוּ מִנְכָסָיו, כֵּיוָן דָּהוּא נָזוֹן בִּזְכוּתוֹ.' [סוף ציטוט מהנ"ל]
ישר כח עצום לרב היקר על עוד דרשה מרתקת ומיוחדת במינה!!! (בית דגן - עמלק שבדורנו 09.02.2025 shofar.tv/lectures/1646) בריאות איתנה ואריכות ימים ושנים לרב היקר והאהוב!!! (אמן).
בוקר טוב לכבוד הרב תודה רבה על השיעור תורה שככה מאיר לנו את הנשמה ומחזק אותנו מאוד מאוד להמשיך את היום בעולם הזה חזק וברוך (מכת בכורות - חלק ב' 06.02.2025, shofar.tv/videos/17699).
שלום כבוד הרב, ב"ה רציתי להודות לרב על הסגולה המופלאה של 'עבדו' ("עִבְדוּ אֶת ה' בְּשִׂמְחָה בֹּאוּ לְפָנָיו בִּרְנָנָה" (תהלים ק, ב)) שכבר ביום הראשון ששרתי ורקדתי - הילד שלי החלים ב"ה, אז תודה רבה רבה! (לסגולת השמחה shofar.tv/articles/15096).
בלי עין הרע "בֵּן פֹּרָת יוֹסֵף" (בראשית מט, כב) ב"ה לא נתנו לבן הצעיר שלנו שום 'חיסון שיגרה'. בס"ד הוא התחיל ללכת ביום הולדתו הראשון ללא שום קושי. התחיל לדבר מוקדם יחסית, הדיבור שלו ברור מאוד ואוצר המילים שלו מתקדם. יש לו כישורי חשיבה ביקורתית מדהימים והוא מסוגל לענות על שאלות עמוקות ולפתור בעיות מורכבות. מלבד הצטננות קלה וכאבי בטן מדי פעם (ל"ע), הבן שלנו כמעט ואינו חולה. כאשר שאר ילדינו היו מוחלשים לחלוטין משפעת אגרסיבית, הבן הלא 'מחוסן' שלנו התנגד לשפעת, 'לא לחסן בשום חיסון שיגרה' את בן הצעיר שלנו ב"ה היתה ההחלטה החכמה ביותר שעשינו והוכיחה בבירור: שילדים לא מחוסנים - ב"ה מתפתחים מהר יותר ונכון יותר עם הרבה פחות בעיות בריאותיות! בלי עין הרע "בֵּן פֹּרָת יוֹסֵף". (לסרטון: כדאי שתבדקו... לתת חלב אם לפחות שנתיים! shofar.tv/videos/17694).